Hey, I'm Sam and I'm 13 years old. I'm wondering if I am psychic or not. I have a lot of weird experiences, and I just am wondering what they are.
I think this all started in 6th grade. I remember I would be waiting in the hall for the bell to ring. Then all of a sudden I would hear a ringing in my head, and a few seconds later the bell dismissing us would ring. I used to then always try to hear it. I would close my eyes and concentrate really hard. Sometimes I would hear it more then once, or a few minutes before the bell. Yet, on some occasions I would hear it seconds before the bell again.
More recently I have been seeing ghosts. I think. For example in the summer I would be sitting at my computer and my dog would start growling at a wall. After I calmed him down I would then sit back down at the computer and see this white flash out of the corner of my eye. The flash always seemed to fall forward. It would repeat on and off. Another time is when I would be sitting on my couch and out of the corner or my eye I would see a white figure walk to the place where I saw the other white flashes.
I also remember one night I had a dream about my grandpa, whom I have never met. It was like he was trying to send me a message. I then woke up sweating and I felt as if someone was in my room watching me.
There was also a period in my life not to long ago, where I felt as if I was constantly being watched. I became very scared and told my mom. She said it might be her dad, the grandpa I dreamed about, or our dog who recently passed away. This advice made me feel better, but when I was being watched, it felt like it was something unpleasant, not like my dog or grandpa.
I sometimes get deja vu too. It's extremely weird though. I would let's say go throw something out. Then I would stop, and be like "I have done this before." But I didn't remember doing it. And then I would only see that one image of the trash and everything else around me would be kind of swimming. It would only lasted for a few seconds though, because I then snap out of it and realize where I am.
I know that all these experiences may sound weird, but I have always wondered if I have psychic abilities or not. And if I do, how do I enhance them? Someone please inform me, because this has always been important to me.
Sam <3
Brook has a very good point about setting up boundaries with the spirit world as you are likely already experiencing spirits near and around you. Vanillabean has excellent advice to follow, especially about intuition and meditation. Both have great advice for you as you are beginning to explore your potential and I hope that you would take their advice for your safety and piece of mind. 😆
Now I want to mention something about your mother, I think she cares very much about you and wants you to feel safe by telling you it must've been your dog or grandpa watching you. That may be what she needs to think so she doesn't get upset or scared. However it does not sound like you agree. If you don't feel like it was, it's possible it wasn't. Since you are sensitive and noticing them now, it would be a good idea to look into putting up any kind of protection around you to keep yourself safe and calm. Meditation is a good way to hone your abilities and explore (so I hear). I think you should simply research what you can and try things out for protection and awareness (please don't try anything dangerous) and find out what works for you and just 'clicks'. Most importantly just go with your gut intuition when dealing with something new. If something feels wrong to you, take it seriously and try not to dismiss or doubt yourself no matter what others may say to you (there is no 'one-size-fits-all' here). Things have changed many times for me over the years and increased too. This may be the case for you, only time will tell.
Good luck, learn what you can and be safe! ❤