A few months ago (December 2009 to be exact), I decided to go alone one night to see Disney's new movie, The Princess and the Frog. Before the movie came on, there was a short piece featuring Roy Disney. He was talking about making the film etc. Suddenly I started thinking, Is this guy dead? My logical brain reasoned that it's Walt Disney who is dead. I don't even know who this guy is. This guy was clearly alive since he was talking about this very film that I am now watching. Still, this voice inside kept asking, "Is he dead or alive? Is he dead or alive? Why do I feel like he's dead?" My logical brain told me to stop asking myself these same questions over and over again. I told myself that I have spent way too much time deliberating this issue.
I was very shocked when I logged onto AOL the next morning. I saw Roy's picture and thought what a strange coincidence since I had been obsessing over him the night before. The crazy part is that he was being featured because he had died early that morning. So basically when I was asking myself if he was dead or alive, and I kept feeling like he was dead, he actually died just several hours later. Hope this makes sense. It was one of the only premonitions I have had during the day and not in dreams. Most things come to me in dreams.