My name is Katy and I am 16. For the past few years I thought I was an Empath but I've read so many things that now I'm not so sure WHAT I am.
I came across a website, a fanfiction site actually, where the main character was an empath. I've never heard of empaths before so I looked it up, I'm a really curious person. When I started reading about it, something in my brain just sort of clicked. I've never really felt normal or like that I belonged so I thought that maybe this was why.
I continued my research and found that I had many of the same abilities or experiences as an empath. I can feel others emotions, channel my chakra, and do a low-level (REALLY low level) healing. Unfortunately nothing that I find on the internet seems to help me. I have a lot of spiritual friends but nobody is an empath so they can't help me except as support.
I found this website and decided to read some of the articles that felt close to my problems. Only, some of them aren't even empaths! So now I'm not even researching for the right answers. Then I read one saying something about how their spirit guide helps them, so I decided to try this out. Except I'm not sure if the voice answering back is myself or the guide. My brain never seems to turn off so meditating into a blank state never seems to work so when I ask a question, a mixture of answers pop up because I make them up or for some other reason which I don't know.
Needless to say, I am hopelessly confused. Can anyone help me find some answers?