I don't know if I'm crazy or not but I get flashbacks from before I was born. I know what my friends are going to say and do and if they are going to be sick or not the next day. Once I had this weird dream where I was in a graveyard and I was watching myself watch my great grandmother and grandmother being buried or doing this certain ritual. It was really weird and my friend had the same dream. Another dream I had was I died and I went to heaven and I saw my great grandmothers and they told me its not your time child or something like that and then my spirit or soul went back to my body and I woke up. I may be crazy but it was weird.
Also my friend once had a dream about that she fell off a building. Like you know those dreams that you have that it feels like your falling well that's what happened to her and she hit the bottom and saw her spirit go up and then back to her body. I heard that if you hit the bottom then your dead but she didn't die well maybe she did but her spirit went back to her body and she also saw other spirits there. I don't know if we are crazy, but sometimes it freaks me out cause people tell me I don't understand but I do. Like my dad, his mom was beaten up by my dad's real dad and I know how it feels even though it never happened to me. And no one understands how I feel in my family they just think I'm crazy! I don't know maybe I am crazy.