First off I'm nineteen years old, and have seen presences my entire life. When I was real young I learned to block out and some what "ignore" the images. As I grew older I found them more and more difficult to ignore until I turned about sixteen years of age. Usually I could block them out until they spoke to me. Ghosts, poltergeist, those sorts I could handle. Even as a young child I realized it wasn't only spirits I was seeing. Sometimes they were creatures, dark creatures that haunted me in my sleep. I learned to control my nightmares and dreams so that I didn't see the images anymore. I even able to block out dark images when I was awake.
Recently, however I can't stop seeing demons, and dark creatures. I'd have to say it started after I returned home 28-Feb-2010 to find my sister's grandmother- who passed away a few years ago- standing over her, along with a shadow of a guy I have come to call "death" over the years. Here's what happened:
10:05, I return home from a date with this guy my room mate and sister have been trying to get me to go out with. The house is hot so I go to the hallway and turn off the heater. My room mate is also coming home from work and sits in his chair. As I touch the thermostat an image of my younger sister flashes through my mind; she's shaking, her mind is blurry, hazy. My hands suddenly get cold and I feel dizzy as I always did when this sort of thing happened to me. I return to the living room and see my sister asleep on the floor where she normally slept (She recently moved in with us and we didn't have a bed for her yet). I had some bracelets in my pocket that I had won for her and was going to give them to her. I shook her trying to wake her up, she didn't move. I shake her again she groans, and acts as if she is trying to say something. "Sage? Wake up." I keep shaking her. I start to panic and lay my head on her chest; her heart rate is erratic, much to fast for a normal sleep. That's when I see her grandmother; I could even smell the slight aroma of cigarettes and beer (her grandmother smoked and drank) - and death's shadow. Our room mate had gone to the bathroom at this time, as I'm trying to figure out what happened, find an answer to why my sister isn't waking up her grandmother speaks to me. "Wake her up. Stay with her. It isn't my baby's time. It's too soon... When she wakes tell her I love her and let her know she is loved."
Our room mate comes back into the living room as I'm telling death to leave- I was just doing what I felt there- and her grandmother was fading. Sage moved, her movements were robotic. She grabbed my arm and again I saw images of her flash in my mind. She was crying, pills, an empty pill bottle. I hear a scream, almost a cry, then my vision returns to normal. I ask my room mate if he heard the scream, if he heard the cry. He said no. I tell him to call 911. She had attempted suicide at the age of seventeen.
Monday I hadn't slept yet and was sitting in the hospital when I started seeing ghosts again; reason I hated hospitals. I didn't think too much of it because it was normal for me especially when I hadn't had any sleep.
Over the next few days I started to see more and more images and having dreams of demons. Each day it's gotten worse and I can't focus anymore. My grades in college are slipping because I can see them and/or hear them. I'm not sure what to do...
To deny these spirits even exist is a pretty bold declaration.