I have always been able to communicate with spirits, and have never told any one but my mother and my brother. My stepfather and father do not know. It was always either, seeing, hearing or feeling spirits.
Recently, something new has been happening and I don't know if it has to do with the 'supernatural' or just something strange. It can be at any time of day when suddenly I will feel a very heavy pressure on me and I'll start to hear conversations and feelings in my head and a scene will come to me. The sound usually feels like its right in my ear and I feel very paranoid like someone is right next to me.
For example, today I was walking in my hallway to go to the bathroom when I suddenly felt the same pressure all around me and I put my back against the wall (Comfort spot) and stopped, its an overwhelming feeling. Then I got a scene in my head of a lot of water just flowing over a wall of a house and I got a feeling in my stomach of sadness/ panic. The image was only a flash then I got a man saying "why would this happen?" and a murmured conversation between a man and a woman. Suddenly it all stopped and the pressure was gone.
It happens for at least 5 seconds every time, then it's gone. What could this be?