I was up early this morning to see my girlfriend off to work and then went to go back to sleep, after about 20 minutes I fell asleep and awoke to standing in a dimly lit room that had hard wood floors, and hard wood stairs, I was standing in the middle of the room talking to a cute young woman who was standing next to the stairs I couldn't really make out her face clearly but she was talking to me about something. Then I heard a very garbled and deep foreign language that I did not recognize as being Latin and or Greek or even Aramaic, then I turned my head to the side and looked over my shoulder and replied to this demonic sounding voice with a lower more aggressive demonic sounding voice and it startled me and the weird thing was I couldn't wake up like I was looking out through my eye's but not my own voice? Anyone hand any idea's?
I also had 2 other dreams leading up to that one, it was as if I was being locked away in my mind so I would remain helpless in the 3rd dream, in each dream I was unable to move also; I was telling myself to wake up to I put a lot of my energy into waking up and It was as if I didn't even make a dent in whatever was talking through my body. So I don't know if that is relevant to my main dream at the top?