Several months ago now, I was sitting at home in the middle of the day. I think I was caught in one of those moments of staring into space, thinking of nothing in particular that I recall. All Of a sudden it was as if I was in my "significant-others", mind. It was overwhelming, I could see part of his face, but was very aware of a woman standing some feet away from me, (him). I don't know the conversation that was going on, but I was immediately over come with an over whelming feeling of lust for this woman. I don't mean an ordinary attraction, it was incredibly strong. There was a feeling of intense warmth, and then all of the "feelings", one has when your with someone intimately. I knew I, (he), had the most powerful longing for this woman at that moment in time.
I tried to forget about it, chalking it up to my imagination. I had never even thought about my man wanting another woman, that is I trusted him, and knew he was not the cheating type. Yet it lingered in my mind still.
The next evening we were sitting together, I asked who the woman was in his office that he was so attracted to? It was a risky move, but it was the only way I could find out if this really happened. I don't remember how I asked him exactly, but I was trying to give details all the while being as non-threatening as I could. The expression on his face was utter disbelief, flabbergasted! I acted like it was no big deal, after all, it's normal to be attracted to all kinds of people. But he looked like a trapped cat! All I could think of was, how in the world did this happen, and could I repeat it?
I'm still with my man, and things are okay. But I can never forget the lust I felt him have for someone else, it was so strong. I don't ever bring it up to him any more, it has become a point of contention for us.
If anyone reading this can help me, I still don't know what or how this happened.