Hey everyone. I've been reading posts on this site for a while now but never wrote my own. I have had so many questions to ask people but kind of kept them inside. So by me writing this I'd like to get a lot of advice as to what to do. Thanks!
I think I'm going to start off telling you about my childhood. I started getting these night terrors (as my parents would call them) around 8 years old. I would wake up from a lucid dream in the middle of the night, freaking out. I would get out of my bed and yell and stuff like that. Sometimes I would go downstairs and watch tv with my dad. I would talk and talk and talk. I really wish I could remember what I talked about, as it would probably be useful to me today. I know I talked about things that made no sense to my dad. I had these night terrors for a couple years but I can't remember how often I would get them.
Anyway, here I am now 16 years old and kind of confused. I started reading this book about remote viewing that my dad introduced to me. This subject was new to me and I found it really interesting. From this I started reading about OBEs and Astral Projection. I started smoking marijuana and I became really precognistic and psychic. Up until this point I totally forgot about my OBEs when I was younger and I really liked being high because it gave me the feeling of my past. I picked up some books about astral projection and I became glued to the subject. This where I changed from smoking weed for fun to smoking to learn about life. I started getting signs and such from my guides that I asked for. I really want to know how to take those signs and learn who I am and what I'm here to do.
I've tried contacting my guides and I know they have responded but sometimes I just don't get the message. Do they even have anything to tell me? I know I'm forgetting so many things I need to tell you. But thanks for reading this and please help me out in anyway because I'm not even sure if what I wrote makes any sense nor any importance to most of you.
P.s I've just recently stopped smoking because I don't feel that I need it in life anymore.
You are like a sailor kid. It is up to you whether you would just wait the wind to take you somewhere, or you would do something to reach your desired destination.
What you do today will affect your future.
God is inviting you to serve Him in one way or another.
-light of Jesus [+]