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Is This A Guide?


I consider myself a dream prophet, but I'm able to do many other things. Though lately I keep meeting up with this ferry-person I used to dream about when I was a kid. They have this totally cool ferry boat that I go on and we go through this waterfall of silver stars, that's like sand, in this cavern area. S/He's always calling me "Mesahib" (may-sa-heeb) or something like that, which is a Hindi word, but I don't know what it means. I never have to pay for the ride though which is weird because all the other spirits do, and s/he's always bowing to me when I get on or off the ferry.

S/He's always wearing a hooded cloak, so I can never see this person's face. But I always see her/his hands and they're long and slender with long, lovely nails when I first come up to them. But at the visit they become old and frail looking. S/he's always telling me to be careful when I wander around, which is good advice.

But I always feel to calm and safe around her/him. And s/he always wards off any bad spirits when I'm with her/him, so I know they're good. S/he teaches me about the realms a bit and shows me some things that are unbelievable.

These aren't just dreams though, because when I go there I'm in the same place that s/he dropped me off before I woke up. S/he will ask me about my day and give me advice if I've had a bad day or laugh with me when it was good.

But anyways I want to know who this ferry-person could possibly be. I don't know if this person is male or female because I get the feeling of both with them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Any thoughts on who this could be?


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, broken_bleeding_angel, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

broken_bleeding_angel (3 stories) (16 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-15)

Thank you. You're right. It'll come to me in time. I always appreciate your posts. ^w^
revsilverson (guest)
15 years ago (2010-01-15)
dear angel,

There is no need for you to go looking for your purpose (destiny) - your purpose will find you.

Love and Light...Always
broken_bleeding_angel (3 stories) (16 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-13)

I looked it up and the river's name means "hate" or "destination". Which I think destination fits because Hecate is the goddess of the cross-roads, among many other things. The water's always this white, swirly, pale blue-ish green.
broken_bleeding_angel (3 stories) (16 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-13)

Thank you for all of your help. I did more research on her and I was able to make all the connections of everything I saw when I was with her. Things are slowly starting to piece together in my mind. Though my purpose is still uncertain.
Ursala (48 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-13)
You might want to look up the River Styx. There's a lot of symbolism in your dream time.
revsilverson (guest)
15 years ago (2010-01-13)
the Divine Spirit has revealed many things to me. See: and I also asked why me? Seems I have a great love of all things, am a positive energy person, intelligent, compassionate, strong and assertive among other things. I believe I was chosen to teach others about true spirituality for this reason.

Learn everything you can about hecate then apply her teachings to modern day. I believe you are in for a wonderful experience. Spirit teachers don't come often but when they do you are to fulfill a mission they set for you. For me, I didn't choose the path, the Divine Spirit put me on it and I have been shown more and more truths as I am moved along the path. Relax and let it flow through you. And be sure to record it all.

Everything happens for a reason.

Love and Light...Always
broken_bleeding_angel (3 stories) (16 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-12)

Thank you. That's so weird. I went and looked her up. According to the zodiac and stuff, she's my patron goddess. And it would explain a lot, like the deep connection with the moon and stars. But why me? It's not that I'm ungrateful, I just don't understand why she chose me of all people to guide. Maybe that's something I need to find out?
revsilverson (guest)
15 years ago (2010-01-12)
i am humbled by the fact that I have many guides and spirit helpers. Don't question why you need so many- just be grateful you have them.

This entity is from another dimension and I sense that she represents the goddess hecate who is also the triple goddess maiden-woman-crone. The older aspect of woman (crone) would have a stronger (masculine like) energy because she is wise and tough and has experienced so much.

You have truly been blessed by this. Record everything right down to the smallest detail. This is cosmic education at its finest.

My experience is with an entity I call the lady in black because she wears a long black gown that has hundreds of small white dots in it and a pillbox style hat. She came into my sacred space 4 or 5 years ago and we astral projected to where she lives which is a planet out of our solar system. She showed me how the people lived and the crops they grew to eat. The way you can tell the difference between spirits and interdimensional beings is the the latter eats food. The big lesson I learned was that these people did not use technology. Their culture is very similar to the mennonites and amish on our planet.

Recently in doing research for a book I am writing on ancient egyptian culture, I came across a picture of the godess Nut. Amazingly she is dressed in an all black outfit that has hundreds of tiny, white stars on it and her hair is raised straight up from her head in a pillbox effect! Yes m'am. If you can find a copy of Wallis Budge "The gods of the Egyptians vol.II" you will find this picture on page 103. The Divine Spirit sends me these corresponding corroborations all the time. I am truly, very blessed.

Love and Light...Always
broken_bleeding_angel (3 stories) (16 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-12)
Thank you centurion76 for your advice.
But I have the feeling that my guide is not from this world/universe/dimesnion. Is that possible? And is it possible to have many guides? Because when I asked her/him if s/he was the only one looking out for me, s/he shook her/his head and said "No I am not the only one." S/he stopped me and dropped me off after that and I woke up. Why would I need so many?
centurion76 (1 stories) (3 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-12)
you most likley will never find out the gender of this person because that is not
Important.this to me sounds like a guide
We have all got them there are different ones for different needs, this one has been you from your childhood all will stay with you for the rest off your days. One thing I will say is listen learn ask questions don't be scared, if your not sure ask for a sign
And it will happen 😊

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