Lately I've found myself wondering what is happening around me.
Let me start at the start. From the age of (I don't know how old I was), I have dreams about natural disasters and war. In year 8 I dreamt about the tidal waves that hit Indonesia. I dreamt that dream every week for 6 months, it started off black, white and grainy then it got clearer and clearer until it was in vivid colours.
I saw a counselor about it and he said that it was just because I was stressed, even though I was on top of my homework and had a good circle of friends. I keep having dreams about fires, floods, cyclones etc then they become real. Sometimes in the dreams I can smell the fire or feel the water crashing down and suffocating me.
A few weeks ago I was in Melbourne eating a pie and I held it a bit above my head and beside me because I felt someone wanting a bite.
Also I've been getting deja vouz a lot, not just occasionally.
In one instance I was at my friend's house and I knew her ex (who I have never met or talked to before) was going to call up depressed, when he did I heard the same conversation I had dreamt about weeks earlier me advising him to go to a therapist and him telling me he had an appointment.
Also I feel safer whenever I am outside at night and have always been drawn to owls, bats, raven and magpies. Is that connected to it?
Please help and give me any advice that you can, I would really appreciate it.