First, I don't really know what any of this means, so I am just asking for help.
It all started a few years back, with extremely strong deja vu, I could/can recall moments EXACTLY as they occur, sometimes word for word, sight by sight. Sometimes I can tell when things will happened and where, what time, etc.
Sometimes I have dreams of horrible things happening to people I care about, like a crash or something. And then it happens. Sometimes I can feel energies, and emotions from others. And sometimes I feel really tired, until I get near a large group of people, then my energy levels increase. I also get lights and sounds confused, like sometimes I hear a light, instead of seeing it. I can pick up on sounds that other can't hear (too high or too low). I can also hear voices of what I assume are spirits and sense their presence. When I am in a large crowd, I hear EVERY different conversation around me as if it was RIGHT THERE in front of me. Sometimes this causes me to have to leave the area. Also, I don't know whether or not this is relevant, but animals tend to just stare at me. It's really weird. Also, sometimes I wake up with mysterious cuts and bruises, and if something happens in my dreams (which I rarely have) it happens to me. Like if there's fire, I feel really hot all of a sudden... Or if it's cold, or I'm falling,it's the same. I rarely have dreams, but when I do,they're either reoccurring, until I sketch them and make them go away. Or really disturbing. If anyone can help, or has the same experiences. Please let me know. I am really confused.