My name is Carlos, and I am 15 years old.
For about 3 years I have known that I have abilities. I have premonitions in my dreams, and sometimes while awake. I read minds. I hear spirits, and sometimes see them also. I am also an empath the strongest emotion I pick up on is embarrassment/nervousness. When someone gets embarrassed or if they are about to present a project or something, I can't look at them or listen to them because I can feel they are nervous or embarrassed, and I feel what they are feeling so I just can't do it.
Like a few days ago this girl was getting ready to sing in front of the class. She was acting all excited, but I was over whelmed by the feeling of being nervous so I held up a paper and squinted my eyes shut. (I don't know why this is). That is just what I can do but the reason I am frustrated is I can't do these things when I want to. I have tried to read people's minds, but it does not happen. Emotions come random and are not all the time. I don't see or hear spirits all the time. I can't make a premonition happen when I want it to. It just happens like I will be talking to someone and I will randomly pick up a thought or feel an emotion. Like the other day my friend sent me a message and all the message said was "Aww man she wasted her only wish". And then out of nowhere I thought of Tinkerbell out of the blue. So I asked her was she watching something with Tinkerbell in it and she said yea and then she explained the movie. I think I have heard my dogs thoughts I was trying to get my two dogs into the room so I could go, and the first dog walked into the room, and I was trying to get the other dog in with her (the dog was just sitting there looking at me like I was slow) and from the room I heard a small voice call her name "Sophia" and that's when my dog ran into the room. (Maybe a spirit even?).
I get premonitions at random and not when I need them. (I have had a lot of other experiences but you don't need to know them all) I try meditating but my mind can't shut up (mostly my fault because I can't stop thinking of the day). I want to learn how to make these things happen on command so I can help more people. What is the use of being able to do these things if I can't use them when I want to?
So I was just hoping that maybe you all could give me suggestions on how I could accomplish this goal that I want.
Thanks: D
- Carlos
The same thing happens to me, preminitions in my dreams, random flashes of things while awake unexpectedly that come true... Also, once I have gotten mad and two separate pieces of glass shattered in the room. (one a glass shelve in a book case and the othera glass filled with water).
I don't understand it? Beats me?