It may be a news to you, or not, but some psychics have a glowing disk around their heads. Not all do, though those that have their Crown Point open have a glowing energy globe surrounding the top of their head. In different cultures, various historical religious paintings depict this glow around the heads of saints, priests, angels, and other divine figures.
In the modern day, this same glow is seen among higher level psychics that can draw in energy from the universe through the top of their head - in some religions a hat is worn on this area to protect it from spirits. Though those with the glow are protected naturally, I gather that there are other ways to draw energy through the head that need protection (such as not being a natural psychic, but having the crown forced open - but this is just a guess.)
I'm certain that there are different levels of skill. Some people can use the more common abilities, while others can do more extraordinary things that can't be described. My point here is that I'm certain that the "angels" or "bodhisattvas" that modern day believers are looking for are quite apparent in the Indigo generation.
My concern is that there are also other types of beings emerging in nature that may not be saint-like - you'll know what I'm talking about if you've encountered one, or worst: had to fight with one on another plane.
Though hoping for the positive is always best when you enter this realm of thought.
Thoughts? Comments?