So as I get older many of my abilities have started to become much sharper and new ones are starting to emerge, (some of which I am not certain what to call them.
As a kid I would see people that I thought were real, standing over my bed or sneaking past me and then they might disappear. (It's been a while since I have seen a spirit)
I feel energy all the time from plants, animals, people, all four elements.
Ive always had a sharp intuition about people and situations ever since I was a child. A strong connection to animals.
Sometimes I feel I can play with the elements (I like the sound of "Play With" rather than control, I think of the elements as my best friends and family)
I really got caught up in noticing all my abilities a few months ago when I discovered the girl I was seeing was starting up a romance with another man. I started to confront her about it and she thought I was spying on her. I wasn't exactly sure how I knew it, I just did, and I could feel her emotions in my chest. Let me tell you, I thought I was really messed up from a broken heart and was thinking I might be nuts. I later figured out that I had developed this super strong connection to her, I knew where she was, where to find her, what she was feeling, and possibly what she was thinking. Needless to say I felt like I was going crazy at that time. I ended up focusing on myself and learning how to develop these feelings so I could break the connection and move on with my life and be positive. I realized her chaos was very destructive and I let it mess me up, so I let it go.
Anyhow, After a while I started to learn that I could pick up energies from people, then rooms, then objects by touch. I feel I develop connections to people just by looking at them, then I spend the next few minutes or so doing my best to break the connection, especially from negative people or people with the intent to cause harm to others. I have been working on confusing people who are looking to sap my energy and it seems to work pretty well.
So, where am I going with all of this. I have no idea:) its just nice to have a place to write about it to those who understand.
Maybe someone will find my ramblings helpful.
Let me give you a list of what I do so far. No particular order or strength.
1. I feel energies from elements, people, animals, plants, etc.
2. Love to play with wind and fire. They seem to play well together.
3. Strong connection to animals. I seem to notice birds of prey, like they seem to be looking over me. (I saved an owl once, and now I think I have a guide/s that might be following me because of it.)
4. Influence. Without saying a thing, I seem to be able to influence others to do stuff. Mostly to keep them out of harms way.
5. Flashes of extreme intelligence or knowing. Understanding sciences, symbols, mathematical equations.
6. Feel low frequency vibrations from longer distances.
7. Hear high frequency noises, especially from electrical appliances. (I really do my best to stay away from TV's, they REALLY bother me)
8. I seem to take on other peoples traits and abilities when around them long enough.
9. I can see auras. Sometimes I see colors when I am around people who have cleansed themselves from the inside.
10. I have this thing in my head that I feel, that seems to let me know when its okay to say something or just when to listen. I'm not certain how to describe it, other than to say its like a rotating Yin and Yang symbol that spins in my head from (back to front) when I am in a conversation with someone. Its a new one that recently started and seems to be extremely effective when talking to people.
11. I feel positive and negative energy on people.
12. I seem to feel when someone has an illness or sickness.
13. I can get people to tell me their whole life story and not realize it until they have told me everything, Or they realize it and yet don't stop telling me. After that they seem to be relieved or extremely surprised that they felt they could tell me things they have never told anyone else.
Well, there you go, I'm sure its not everything I do, since as each day passes I seem to notice my abilities getting stronger and then leading into some new ones.
I sometimes feel like I am being prepared for something. To help others or to guide others or whatever. I come from several generations of healers and I sometimes feel like touching people just to fix something in them or helping them realize they can heal themselves.
Oh, and as this all gets stronger, I really enjoy being silent, and letting people talk. As if actions were a more efficient way to communicate. It's as if words are holding me back. I feel like I should just be able to push my ideas to people just by touching them, showing them or whatever.
Anyhow, best of luck to all of you and your development.
For those of you who are really confused, angry, broken hearted, clinging to the past. This is the most important advice I have in my bag of tricks. Are you ready for it? Read this part very very carefully.
Let It Go... All of it. No judgments, hate, fear or worries. What you did in the past is in the past. We have all probably done things we didn't like. Chalk them up to experience and look at them from a positive perspective. Even the things that seem most horrendous. These experiences can be your best teachers.
Learn calmness. Meditate as much as possible, and trust yourself. You are not crazy! Don't fight it. These abilities can sometimes feel like a burden. Remember they are a part of you. You would not insult your arm because you do not know how to use it. Work with them, calmly and patiently and find in time you can use them to your advantage and to help.
Best of luck to you all and take much care of yourselves. Especially you young ones in your teenage years, This can be a very difficult time for you. Do not give up! We are here for you, just as you will be for someone else when its time.
I have become very quiet, also. Preferring to listen and sense others. I have developed an inner peace that remains undisturbed when I'm quiet.
Amazing how the most painful past few years of extreme trials in my life has brought me to this place of serenity. It's in this place of compassion where you want to make a difference so no one else suffers. Your senses amplify like loud speakers and you catch yourself whispering.:) I can soooo relate~*