I had a dream right after the Yale University disappearances that they would find her behind a door with 2 D shaped handles. I felt that the door led under ground. They found her in an electrical locker in the basement of the laboratory she was working in. The doors on an electrical chase are usually heavy metal plates with D shaped pull rings to lift them out of the slots they are in.
I had a dream about a missing girl in Florida. That she was standing in front of a house with a picket fence and dark rimmed windows. The last place she was seen was standing in front of a picket fence that was in front of a house that had a fire. The house is white with black rimmed windows. I feel that there will be an important break in this case regarding a black and white knapsack with a picture of, I think, a penguin. The is a younger male involved. Tall,thin, curly thick hair, probably from the neighborhood. About 15-17 years. No job. Stays around home. I think he still hangs out near the burnt house. I think the schoolbag or knapsack is in a grove of trees and he goes back to look at it. He has dark hued features and poor hygiene. Sometimes wearing the same clothes for weeks.
If anyone else can throw their thoughts into this it might help. The murder occurred a month ago and the killer is still out there in Orange park Fl.
My hope is that other people will read about my dreams and incorporate their own sensitivities into the search for the murderer? Anything to stop him.