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Real Psychic Experiences

A Collection Of My Paranormal Experiences 2


Ever since I wrote my first story (A Collection Of My Paranormal Experiences) I have been experiencing many new experiences. This is a sequel to the first one.

First, I left off at this recently discovered ability I have. Basically, I can become some kind of energy vampire. If you didn't read my first story, I can see dots of energy just floating around and can control them. I look at somebody, and command the energy to filter into my aura. My aura is crystal, so I can take any kind of auric energy from anybody and it works with my abilities. However, occasionally when I do this, it hurts one of my chakras. I just tried taking some from my mom to see if it would work, and it hurt a chakra in my upper back. I think it was my heart chakra. It hurt a bit. I always imagine a hurt chakra to be off balance for a second or two. Like when somebody is spinning plates, and they rattle for a bit but regain control.

It happens a lot, and sometimes when my third eye or crown chakra rattles, I feel more lightheaded than I do pain. I am trying not to hurt my chakras because something bad could happen if I do. Maybe I would lose all my psychic abilities. So that is my first question, is this really that bad and could I really lose all my psychic abilities if I unbalance/break one of my chakras?

I have had many encounters with ghosts. My parent's bedroom is really active, as is our basement and the forest near where I live. One time, I was told to bring the laundry downstairs as a chore. I was upstairs where my sister's room is along with mine. I always forget to take the hamper up when I am done, so I thought I'd get a laundry basket. My parents tend to have them in their room, so I went in there to find one. They weren't near their bed where they normally are, so I thought they were in the master bathroom. My parents room has a small hall connecting the bedroom to the master bathroom, so I walked near the hall.

Now, a while back, I had an experience where I was looking for a new sheet set in their walk in closet where they store virtually everything, and I heard a voice whispering words in a different, out worldly language in an extremely harsh tone. I did what most people would have done and ran backstairs. Now, the voice was coming from that hall. So now, when I was going into the hall, I heard some floorboards creak and those same voices. I RAN downstairs this time, and almost passed out. Later that day, in my basement, I heard footsteps coming from our basement door, which just happens to lead to our backyard which happens to lead to our forest. The weird thing is that I wasn't supposed to be in the basement, I felt like I needed to go. It was an unconscious decision.

Another time when I was in the woods with some of my psychic friends, we noticed a bogey ghost at the base of a hill. Right away, one of my friends and I started shooting the ghost with energy (we can control energy) and it vaporized. The weirdest thing was what happened the night before I finished this story. I had decorated the aquarium in my room for Halloween, and I was sleeping. The next thing I know, one of the decorations fell down and the air pump started acting weird. I was terrified, but I woke up and put the decoration back on the tank. I don't know why this happened at all. I have seen numerous black figures out of the corner of my eye and out of focus. So my other question is; what do I do about all this?

Telekinesis is my favorite ability that I possess, but unfortunately, I stink at it. I can move a psi wheel, make a very small cloud disappear, and make a marker roll very slowly. I am okay at hydro and pyrokinesis, though. Aerokinesis is probably my best ability, though. I am getting better at my hydrokinesis, though. I can make a small tide in a bowl of water. That is my third question; how do I get better at this ability?

My telepathy has significantly increased since my last story. Whenever I look at a person, they sometimes look at me. However, there is one telepathy trick that seems a little wrong to use but it is very useful. I call it Telepathy Torture. Basically, you use telepathy to yell at somebody you are mad at. For instance, there was this student in my class at school that was picking on a mentally handicapped student. I am very much against treating these students like this, so I yelled at him. He didn't care. When class started, I still wanted to yell at him for doing that, so I started yelling and bullying him using telepathy. He kept looking over at me, and I could tell he was concerned. I continued doing so. I knew I shouldn't be using psychic abilities with that many people around, but I was angry with him. I think the thing that scared him was the fact that I got inside his head just to harass him. That is another question I have; is Telepathy Torture a morally wrong skill to use and what good is telepathy if you don't use Telepathy Torture?

Whenever I think about something, it happens. Since I seem to have mastered this skill, I have tried to tell my parents "I was just thinking about that!" whenever something related to my thoughts five minutes ago happens. However, they don't believe me. And I can't just tell them everything I am thinking because that'd just be weird. The most recent instance of this doesn't involve a thought, it involves a dream. Last Saturday night, I dreamed that there were people outside of our house trying to get in. On Sunday, we were watching TV, and in that episode, there was a part with somebody being terrified because there was somebody outside their house. I told my parents, but they didn't acknowledge that I had predicted the future. My question about this is: How can I get even better at this and make my parents believe me?

I was writing a description of the Astral Plane and what it is like one time by sending half of my brain into the Astral Plane and keeping the other half in the physical world to write down what I saw. I saw many strange things from an indigo dragon chained up at the bottom of a spiral staircase in a void to a piece of furniture that I believe to be part of the Akashik Records. However, one thing caught my eye. I was in a flowery garden at one point, and there was this old women wearing a grey blanket there. I had seen the same old women when I was little in what I think is my garden. When I got back to the physical plane entirely, there were five ghosts that followed me. After using my energy powers to make them disappear, I was wondering why they followed me back to this plane and who the old women was. So, why did those ghosts follow me and who was the old women? Also, please note that I may not have seen the same thing anybody saw when they were in the Astral Plane, and that there is more description in the documentary I wrote on it, which isn't published on this site.

So now you have read about my psychic experiences from the time I published my first story to now. I have included the questions, but I will list them again:

*Is it bad if I hurt my chakras and what would happen if I accidentally caused one to stop spinning or broke it?

*What do I do about all the ghosts I see?

*How do I get better at Telekinesis?

*Is it wrong to use Telepathy Torture and what is telepathy good for if you shouldn't use telepathy torture?

*How can I convince my parents that I am psychic and I can randomly predict the future?

*Who is the old women I saw in my garden at a young age and in the astral plane just recently?

I don't know what to do about this, so I could really use some help. Thank you for taking your time to read this.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, jarrett1111, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

MaikoKairrion (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
Not really here to help much, just needed to say.

" I had decorated the aquarium in my room for Halloween, and I was sleeping. The next thing I know, one of the decorations fell down and the air pump started acting weird. I was terrified, but I woke up and put the decoration back on the tank. I don't know why this happened at all."

You say aquarium, right? Fish have feelings and thoughts, too. Perhaps it was angry by you decorating on its tank without permission.
jarrett1111 (2 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-30)
I did get bored during French class once when we weren't doing anything, so I picked up a dry-erase marker and managed to make it roll very slowly (probably 2 milimeters an hour). So I can barely do that. I have tried telekinesis on everything for a few months. It's the elements that I am good at. As for my parents, they don't like to talk about it, and my dad wants me hauled off to an institution because I am psychic. I have been working on a secret project lately that I can reveal more information about now. It is a science fiction book about a future society where people are so skeptic of psychics that they jail and torture anybody who may have any paranormal abilities and in the end it turns out that they are being used to power a huge psi wheel energy generator, and they all break free and there is World War III, psychics vs. Skeptics. The story is devided up into four (one for each element plus the final battle.) I have 2 of them written, and I am working on the third one. I can't reveal everything, but I have decided that this project is no longer a secret for other psychics. I can tell you, though, that it does not have a happy ending. I will probably work on it some more this weekend, and I think if my parents read it they would know what I am thinking. They say that it is freaky, though, whenever I try to use telekinesis because I am sitting there just focussing intensely on a marker or psi wheel or some other object. Thanks for the help, though. 😊
Wind_M (2 stories) (23 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-30)
I wouldent try to tell them, when I tried they said a bunch of things. But you could do little bits of (abilities) so they can get comfortable around it, and around with you doing it.
Wind_M (2 stories) (23 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-30)
well it sounds like you have very nice abilities, I could hellp you out since I have many of the same. When the chat line was on I learned a very few things I didn't know before which are very helpfull. If your having trouble wich teleki then start with something round so it will roll when you try enof.
jarrett1111 (2 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-30)
Okay, thanks for the help, but this has actually lead to more questions than it answered. First, about the chakras, I was wondering what would happen if you pushed it too far. Secondly, I have been attacked by ghosts. First, when I was in the woods alone one time, I saw a bulge of dots come near me, and I felt a sharp chill in my leg and some very strong preasure in my head. Then, there was the one that knocked the decoration off my fish tank, and then, I was hauling lumber in the rain one time, and I looked back to see someone who appeared to be a Civil War soldier. As for telekinesis, how do I practice it? And as for Telepathy Torture, I have been using it only for the gain of myself (sometimes) and others. Take the example with the kid making fun of the handicapped kid. I yelled at him, the teacher yelled at him a bit, and I telepathy tortured him in the middle of class after the handicapped kid had left. That was sticking up to who I think was a very horrible person. And I gave my parents the (very good) results from a random number test from this site and they have still been mad at me for thinking about being psychic. And as for the guardian, how do I meet them and what are they there for? Thanks for your time reading this and I appreciate the answers. On another note, today my coach said he saw a movie about the paranormal and slept with a rosary and would have slept with a teddy bear if he had one it was so scary (the movie is pretty popular right now, so most should know about it). Anyway, my swim coach who thinks he's all that got scared of a low budget film, while he has NO idea how many paranormal experiences I have had with the closest thing I ever did to sleeping with a teddy over that issue was cutting and running. He said I'd like the movie when I asked him about it, but it was kind of funny. I kept trying to hold the laughter in for the rest of the practice, and when I finally got home, I just started ROLLING around laughing. My swim coach got that scared over a movie! 😆 And I'd never gotten that creeped out over a real paranormal experience and he talks to me like I'm a six-year old. Sorry that was off topic, I just thought it was funny and somewhat related to the subject of the ghosts.
Igneous (7 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-30)
*Is it bad if I hurt my chakras and what would happen if I accidentally caused one to stop spinning or broke it?
Yes, you don't want to push it that far.
*What do I do about all the ghosts I see?
You have the gift of seeing, keep it balanced with the ability to look at things in this plane of existence and your good.
*How do I get better at Telekinesis?
Practice Practice Practice
*Is it wrong to use Telepathy Torture and what is telepathy good for if you shouldn't use telepathy torture?
Telepathy torture stains the soul. Stop doing it. If it feels dark when your doing it, its going to come back on you... In karma.
*How can I convince my parents that I am psychic and I can randomly predict the future?
Don't. Some people are too stubborn to understand, they will approach you if the know, I wouldn't tell them unless they could figure it out on they're own.
*Who is the old women I saw in my garden at a young age and in the astral plane just recently?
A guardian.
jarrett1111 (2 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
My other story is way longer, but it would be great if you read it and commented on it. For some reason I keep looking back over my shoulder now. I saw a shadow person out of the corner of my eye earlier today, and I am starting to tell my parents what I am thinking about in case it may be signifficant. That, and I keep hearing this sound that sounds a bit like a cricket but not exactly a cricket. My sister hears it too, though. Probably a ghost or something trying to get my attention. It probably doesn't want me writing this.
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
Okay thank you for adding me as well and to your comment. I would glad to read more of your wonderful stories that you experienced in the past. 😊 ❤ 😉
jarrett1111 (2 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
I added you to my favorite writer list as well. It is funny that it says you are water on your profile because I am water as well. The wierd thing about me is that I was born to be wind (my star sign is gemeni) and as for the Chinese zodiac, I am a wood dog. However, I have never felt any connection to these elements, and a very strong connection to water. Maybe it is because I am crystal. I think I changed my star sign or something. And the best hydrokinesis trick I have only works when it is raining. I can walk outside and use my abilities to push the rain away from me, so I could walk outside when it is pouring down rain and get only a few drops on me. But if I don't feel like intense focus, I'll just run like I've never run before. 😆 I do feel the strongest in the winter (particularly when it is snowing) and one time I made a snowball that didn't melt until May. Probably because I put so much focus into making it, and it just kind of sat there in our yard melting throughout spring. Probably my first cryokinesis move. I appreciate all the help, though. And most people think I am a good person either when they find out I am pacifist or that I help mentally disabled people. But I sense that you are a good person as well. 😁
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
Telekinesis really is a fascinating ability. I think you must use your ability not only for your own good but also to other people. I added you to my friend's list. I have a very strong feeling that you are a good person. Nice meeting you here. Good day 😊 😉 ❤
jarrett1111 (2 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
That would be such a cool ability, but I barely ever have any psychic dreams. I just randomly predict the future. However, it is always mixed in with other thoughts, so it is impossible to tell people beforehand. 😢 But I really want to know how to get better at telekinesis and more on that old women and the ghosts.
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
Ohh I see. I think it is one of my abilities. It is really not accidental because of this kind of happening. To tell you the truth, a psychic told me that I am a watcher. I can see the future including numbers by means of dreams.
jarrett1111 (2 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
Oh, and I appear to have accidentally cut one paragraph short. When I went into the hall connecting the master bathroom to the master bedroom, I saw a shadow person near the window and ran away. And as for the crystal aura with auric wings, it's funny you'd say that because my aura is crystal and I think I have aura wings. You were probably seeing the future or someone you will meet or something.
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
Oh I see. It is okay I understand and I respect your humble opinion and your relatives. I guess I will have to find this on my own self. Once again thanks and god bless 😊 😉 ❤
jarrett1111 (2 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
I'm not allowed to email people I don't know. My parents are very strict, and they definitely wouldn't approve of me talking to another psychic, as they think that all psychics are insane. The only reason they let me use this site is so that I don't constantly bug them with important matters involving unethical abilities I found and being attacked by ghosts, and they want me to be able to go somewhere else to talk to people about this so that it becomes their problem, according to them. I think that people on this site are good people and want to help others, as do I. I am glad that I can get help from other psychics, though. 😁 So sorry, but I won't be allowed to email people.
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
I am sorry for the word he. It should be she not he forgive my mistake. 😊
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
In your case you must talk to a professional psychic. I suggest you ask AnneV on that kind of matter because he is a pro on that field. I will wait for your mail. Thank you and good day 😊 😉 ❤
jarrett1111 (2 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
I don't know how I sent half my brain into the astral plane, I just sort of did it, but I do remember that when I finally looked up and was all back in the physical plane, I looked around and it appears that many ghosts had followed me back. The way I think I sent half my brain into the astral plane was by being almost in a meditative state, only not quite, more like on the boarderline. I do remember that I acted pretty strange and made some wierd decisions when I was on the boarderline state. As for the ghosts that followed me, one was attacking me and the rest were just roaming around the kitchen. And it's not telekinesis that I was using, it was pretty much like what energy vampires can do only I could turn it on and off and choose who I sucked energy from. I knew this was unethical and returned the energy. And I am a pacifist so I would never try to kill anybody, especially with telekinesis. And as for telepathy torture, I only use it as a last resort. If I feel like yelling at someone, I'll just yell at them, like I did the kid who made fun of the mentally handicapped student. The reason I used it on him is because no matter what I told him, it just didn't get through to him, so I thought I'd show him that as a psychic, I was the spider and he was the moth caught in my web, and I can yell at him during class without the teacher knowing. I have used telepathy for good, though. For instance, when I was working on something in English, and I finished, I sent a telepathy to my teacher saying "done" and she immediately asked if anybody needed more time. But the things I really want to know about are the old women in the astral plane, telekinesis, and what to do about the ghost (or maybe ghosts) that follow me around. Any ideas? 😕
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
Could you also teach me on how to do it? By sending half of a human brain to the astral realm living the other half on the physical... To tell you the truth when I meditated in the past, I saw a white arua of a man having white auric wings and he gave me a pure bright white light of energy to me. On the next morning I woke up seeing at the digital clock the numbers 4:44am and also 4:44pm.Here's my email please contact me and teach me so that I can meet my guardian angelmexicannovela3 [at] you and good day! 😊 😉 ❤
randy (4 stories) (24 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
I don't think you should use your telepathic abilities against people unless its an emergency (though it probably very funny). Also how did you send half your mind into the astral realm? Respond back at turtle050293 [at]
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
Do not use your telekinetic abilities to other people. On the other hand, if you think they are bad then you should give them a lesson they will never forget but do not put them to the extreme for they might die or something. Good day 😊

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