My name is Jamie. I am in high school and I dream of the future. Sometimes I can't always remember the dreams, but they still happen, and when they come true (in some shape or form, my dreams are exadurated a bit and made dream-like, flying fish and everything) I know that I had dreampt it previously. The dreams I do remember are disturbing and scare me to no end because I know they are going to come true. I don't always know in what form, or who to, but I have a general idea of what is going to happen.
The dreams that happen more than once scare me the most. In them I am usually being 'hunted' or 'chased' down by someone. Something is after me and I know it. I don't know what. But it/they is/are.
I feel things grab at me during the night... I can see shadow figures that aren't there. I hear my name, or bits of a conversation from people that aren't there. I can see creatures in the trees; blurry shapes that shouldn't be there. If I can't see them, I can feel them. I KNOW they are there. It's really scaring me, especially when they chase me. I try not to run because then it just gets worse. I don't know what to do.
Please someone help me. Does ANYONE know what's going on? If so, please e-mail me, if you are a member you can see my e-mail address. Please help me.