About two years ago, at some point through my freshman year in high school, I was rather awkwardly "told" that I just might have SOME psychic ability about myself. As I always used to be in the mornings, I was beat tired and decided to go to my first period class to sleep until the bell... And so I did (she had a box fan that was a welcoming sight). As I slept, passed out, I heard once to this effect, "john doe please come to the office" and then again, about what seemed 5 minutes later, "John doe, PLEASE (stricter now) come to the office..." I woke up with the "you have 5 minutes to get to class bell..." I asked my teacher if what I had dreamt occurred, to which she replied no.
Well, 5 or so minutes into class, the first call came, and our eyes met... she said nothing. 5 minutes or so later, it came again, more agitated this time... exactly like my "dream" 10 minutes prior. She gave me a look that could kill and I just sat there and shook (and laughed just a bit). It, needless to say, shook me up... And I would love to have some answers, thank you.