Hey everyone. It's lovely to write again. Please read; it's a little long though. I've had other stories and so much has cleared up for me! I know all my abilities now-check my page to see.
Anyway, this has been happening my whole life. Well the first day I learned my time I've been seeing 11:11. Many people say it's just a coincidence, lots of people see it or it's very mythological. I know they aren't right. See I can see Angels sometimes, I think they are guardians most of the time. Sometimes they are just there near people but when I try to come closer to see them they disappear.
Demons; well, I don't know where to start. They come every night. I've been attacked in person and once I woke up (after going to the dream dimension, well that's what me and my friend call it. We both been there and describe things the same) and I was actually floating on the other side of the room. When I gained my full consciousness and freaked, I heard the demon in the vent saying all kinds of stuff I'd rather not repeat stop. Laugh and then I hit the wall with a crash on the other side of the room where I was originally sleeping. I'd usually pass something like that off as a night terror but I was fully awake.
Anyway, I know I'm not nuts though I sound like it. It's a gift I guess. My uncle was born with the gift mostly hearing demons, which is similar to mine.
Well the 11:11 thing has been bugging me since the day I was about seven and learning time on this cardboard yellow clock. I know for sure that I had set both hands on 12:00. When I had come back it was on 11:11. I didn't bother to say anything because as I was right people just pass it off.
Now it's every single day I get in the pattern not once missing it both morning and night. I don't do it on purpose, I try to actually avoid it but then my mom started getting bugged about it.
Not long ago for some reason my mom and me were sitting on the couch normally reading and stuff. My head automatically jerked up and she looked at me and said I was pale white. The clock said 11:11 and she said she thought it was really strange she never ever says that. Never.
I continued to move along until now I was feeling the urge for the Bible. (I've been reading Ezekiel so remember that) When I opened it, it opened to Revelations 11:11 and then I shut the Bible. Coincidence? When I opened it again it was on Hosea 11:11. Now can someone explain that? I went back to Rev 11:11 and looked at the number underneath 11 and it said Ezek. 37:5 My favorite numbers, my luckiest numbers and they also have to do with a few of my experiences. My mom's eyes were wide and she was speechless. She said we need to bring my uncle over soon. It's surprising to me because she really is taking what I'm saying seriously now.
About a month ago I started crying remembering my "dream" when God pulled me into Heaven telling me there's something in the Bible I need to know, when the time comes I will know. I read half the Bible in two nights and knew it was useless and it wasn't time. Well I felt like it was only the beginning of what I'm supposed to know, I opened my Bible about to read the whole thing if I had to. The chapter I opened it to "The End Has Come" Ezekiel. I was crying even more not even knowing why.
I've been having feelings of the End is coming. I don't believe in setting the date to 2012 because honestly I think it's wrong. I read in the Bible we won't know the date so I avoid it. I just know that it's coming and I Know that there's a reason I've been put in such a place.
Apparently 11:11 is Angels showing us things or something like that. To me that's not true, not for me. I have a feeling this is something half I have to find on my own but not all on my own. So what do you think?