My name is Aimee, and I stumbled upon this lovely site on accident. I've always known that I was psychic, but I never knew that there was a support group. I've been researching abilities and looking into other peoples' stories and I've developed a theory on the nature of my own powers. According to my theory, it all started in fifth grade. It was the year I had this really awful teacher, I mean, she was so bad that she hit a student, slammed a desk on a kid's hand, and ripped the clock off the wall and kicked it across the floor (which, by the way, became an epic story in my school.) All of the sudden, I started getting massive headaches, so, I began stating home from school, and, guess what? They stopped, or so I thought. When I went to school, the massive headaches came back, and full force, eventually, I went to the doctor. She prescribed it as a sinus problems and gave me some meds. Now, I realize that was total BS. I mean, what illness is fine at home and bad at school? You beginning to see something here?
My doctor kept prescribing med after med, but nothing would work. My mom was getting upset, but she was patient with me, whereas, the school was not. Eventually, I had to go to school again, and the headaches came back. (Okay, I don't know why, but I've just started crying.) Well, I just wanted it all to stop. I remember the day I came back my other fifth grade teacher, she was so kind, prayed for me over the intercom. I was so touched, and from that day on, I started getting better, and we thought nothing of it. Fast forward to seventh grade. I remember sitting at the TV and watching commercials. All of the sudden the name Tommy popped into my head. Guess what, the next commercial was for a nerf gun called the Tommy 20. I got a little freaked, but ignored it.
Over the years things like this randomly popped up. I guessed the name of some random kid, located the route out of my friends house (that I'd never been to before) perfectly, had lessons cancelled when I wanted them to, the occasional reading of minds, random flashes of things, etc; but, I had no control, and all this happened months apart. One day, I mentioned this to my mom. Surprisingly, she believed me and said that she'd had some experiences like that, but not as strong. From that day, I acknowledged that I was psychic, and slowly, my powers got stronger, but not by much, and I had no control, and they only popped up occasionally. So, I tried developing them on my own. No such luck (speaking of luck, I have always been an extremely lucky person.) That leads us to a couple days ago when I discovered this site.
Sometime, (before I found this site) I felt like I had a sort of block on my powers. I've read stories about people locking away their abilities, and I saw that I had the signs of an empath, but no emotion sensing, or sensing liars. I hate being touched by people, and have started getting headaches in crowds a couple days ago. In school, I get extremely hyper, and my emotions get out of whack. I try to get along with my mom and grandma, but I get angry at them, while inside, I don't want to. The whole point of this? If you haven't figured it out, I think that I'm an empath who sealed their abilities. I've always been a sensitive child, and cried easily, so I was always called a crybaby. Do you think my theory is possible, and if so, is it possible to get my powers back and stop the block?
Please help, Sincerely,
(P.S. I also forgot some other reasons why I think I have/had empath abilities. I can' stand seeing embarrassment, and I get horribly embarrassed myself while seeing it (whether in a movie, or real life), when I see someone get hurt, I feel extreme guilt, and go into "nurse mode," I can't stand seeing someone get a shot, or cut open, (gah! I just heard thumping noises in the basement and I'm home alone (being totally serious here) sometimes, I feel phantom pains for no reason, and sometimes at night, I feel huge despair and cry my heart out for no reason either.)