I feel crazy but I'm accurate. Over the last few weeks, spirits have been speaking to me. The words pop in my head like typing and I feel numbness of how they died. For instance if it was a head injury then I feel numbness on the region of my head of how they passed. After they send me messages I sleep for hours. They call it a gift but it hurts. I know details, names, and how they passed away. It consumes me and makes me so tired and I hate to be around people because I get constant messages.
I used to have a breathing problem and it went away when I got this so-called gift. I have spoken to a few people about people who have passed and I have confirmed that its real with my accuracy. My job is hard now because I work at a restaurant. Every time I go to a table I hear a name. I haven't developed how to pinpoint who the message is for. I used to get a couple messages via dreams such as a exact detailed name and what military position and look. I looked it up and there was someone by that name and position and in a military cemetery memorial. I have made so many people cry with my exact details. I need some help on how to turn it off. My roommate is afraid and threatened to leave cause of all the new noises, feelings, and my weirdness. When I ignore it, noises click and tap. Please if anyone has the same thing or any advice contact me at desertgirl29 - at - msn.com.
I am a medium. I experience the same thing. I can only guess since your not enjoying your experience, you are not in touch with your spirit guide. Everyone has one (and I've said this quite a lot) my spirit guide and others including my gatekeeper/master guide are in charge as to who they let in. Some nights I ly in my bed and I get strong pains in my ribs, I quickly tell the spirit "yes yes I know your there can you stop that" and if they persist I call on my spirit guide to get rid of them. She (my spirit guide) is my body guard, bless her:0). Before I go to bed, I pray to God that ONLY spirits of a HIGHER light and love are to be around me. That weeds out (not being mean) the riff raff that are around. If you do not believe in a higher power or the divine light, you are going to struggle my friend. Those annoying spirits will always annoy you.
Please (feel free) if you are annoyed by them, get angry with them and tell them to leave and let you alone. You should never fear them.
Please email me if you have any further questions.
Luv & Light
Ruth ❤ -Medium (3 years)