Sometimes, I think I'm psychic. At other times, I think I'm just really smart being able to read people in comparison to a psychiatrist. What ever it is, it's making me go crazy. I don't want to leave the house anymore so I don't have to deal with feelings and thoughts of all the people in the world. Even when I'm in my room, I can still feel human's feelings and thoughts but it's not as bad because I don't have to see the person so I can just write it off as an illusion. It's not even just humans. I can make psychic connections with other rooms and things even animals. I can actually feel spirits sitting on my bed or they come to me and I sense their thoughts. I even feel curses that people have put on me. I feel our connection to our other world that we call afterlife. I can just look up at the sky and sense when a storm is coming. What really scares me is peoples evil thoughts. Most people are so negative.
I can't tell most of my family because they would think I'm crazy. For half of my family being psychic go's against their religious books. I only told one person my mom and she believes me because of things I've said but I don't tell her I'm psychic anymore because she just uses it against me. I mean it comes to the point where I don't even know how to sort out my own thoughts and feelings from other people's thoughts and feelings because it's so overwhelming. Am I crazy? I had a dream when I was younger that my dog got attacked by two animals I thought they were cougars from what I remembered of the dream. Two week's later my dog was attacked by a pack of havolinas. This has nothing to do with what I'm saying because I don't have dreams like this anymore. I told my mom about it before it happen and that's one of the reasons why she believes me.
I can't explain it. Am I crazy? Is there something I can use to control it? Are there other people as powerful as I am? I hate it to be honest. I even sense spirits are afraid of me I don't know why maybe because of my powers or because of my protective spirits. Is what I'm saying okay or am I crazy? Should I see a doctor? What should I do? I'm at the end of my rope with this. It only intensified when I took a trip to another country where I didn't have no other choice but to read them because I didn't speak their language. I love it and I hate it. I'm lost I don't know any other people as power as me. Most people would think I'm crazy or just tell me it's false when I tell them something when in fact both of us know it is true. I sense and read everything. What can I do to get through life?