I Google'd what I was feeling, and got directed to this site. I think I am an empath. Obviously you guys here know way more than I do so please guide me. Most of the posts of the people here said that they can feel what most people around them are feeling or pick up on a powerful emotion. I can't say that I can feel what others are thinking but it's more like I can feel what only one specific friend of mine is feeling/thinking. And I'm not too sure whether it's co-incidence or for real.
He other day I just started feeling confused, guilty or something. It's not something I can put my finger on but it was a funny feeling. It came out of the blue, from no-where. I tried to figure out why I was going through it and I never figured it out. I sent her a text MSG. To stop worrying about whatever it was that was bothering her and later she asked me how did I know what was going on? I couldn't answer her.
Recently, while studying, I flung my pen because I started to get angry and scared. I felt a pain that seemed to have paralyzed me. An hour later I got a call from one of her friends. She had met with an accident an hour ago.
Am I an empath or is this just coincidence? If I am an empath then how do I control it?