Recently I have been having identical reoccurring experiences within 5-10 minute of the first occurrence. I don't think it's Deja Vu, but I don't know what else to call it. So far, it happens when I am in a calm/meditative state, and has not happened while I'm at work.
Example: While walking west for an evening walk on a bike path, I glanced to my left observing a red truck towing a black trailer; in the passenger side of the truck was a little boy with a baseball cap on with his arm extended out the window, goofing around, they were going west on the road. Approximately 5 minutes later, 2 cyclists passed me, going west. I turned my head left to say hello to them and as I did I noticed the same red truck towing the black trailer and little boy with the cap/arm out window doing the same thing, passing by on the same road going west, again. 10 minutes later, the two cyclist who passed me, passed again, going west (the area is remote with no exits, there is no-way they could have done a circuit in that amount of time). Then a while later I was passed by a large group of cyclists, 10 minute later they passed me again going the same way only this time 2 were missing.
I am clairvoyant but this one is new for me. I know the earth is in an energetic shift, there are many times I feel almost invisible, but I have not heard of anything like this specifically, so I don't know how to research it... Any thoughts?
I guess they tell me everything and they have all my life. I do get a feeling of being trapped and in another world. I don't know If I'm awake or not. Everything seems so real.