I can remember stuff from when I was two. Like the auras that my parents said were just a trick of the eye, shadows with no solid form, and premonitions. To this day I am still able to sense auras, and the mood of people. I get premonitions time to time.
When I was three, my friend was spending the night and we were making cups of soup, and I kept on insisting that I carried hers, but she refused, and so when we began to walk, she spilled it and burned her hand.
Another time was on March 4th. I had been having a bad feeling all day, and a few days later my mom finally told my that my Uncle Warren had died from old age.
When something bad is soon to come, I'll have a bad feeling, or I'll just be really pissed for no reason. I can sense every types of auras and where they are located, such as the recreation creek. There is abnormal stuff there, like a butterfly with its torso torn in two, 6 circular, that are small but they still reside there, the fish are never around the bridge. The reason they are never there I believe is because I can sense a dark aura there, and the fish are able to sense it too.
My life has had too many psychic experiances when I think about it.
everything people's names when I was 2 years old. I saw my baby book when I was a baby in my dream but the first time I saw my baby book was when I was 11 years old strange isn't it. I see through things I see floating clouds and half moons that all I see 😊