My name is Isabella and I am 15 years old.
I have recently been noticing how I am able to connect to people. I don't need to be around people, but I am able to tell something about them.
In one instance, my brother mentioned my old teacher, who teaches him now. I said, "She's pregnant, isn't she?" And my brother said, "No, I don't think so. She hasn't said it, and she doesn't look pregnant." I kept insisting she was pregnant for a few months. Then, one week I was asking everybody, telling them I have a weird urge that I thought she was pregnant. At the end of that week, I had a dream she was pregnant. I assume you know what she told her class the next day. Keep in mind I hadn't seen her for 6 months, so there was no way I could tell she looked pregnant.
I have predicted a few other pregnancies as well. This is just the most recent.
Also, I seem to connect to people emotionally.
I remember seeing this one kid my age around town, and we finally got to talk, and we became close. We instantly had a special bond. After I was friends with him for 4 1/2 months, I had a bad feeling about him. I had an awful feeling he wasn't okay. The next day, I woke up and asked his friend if he was ok. His friend assured me he would be okay tomorrow, and he was just a little depressed. I knew he wasn't. A week passed, and his friend said that he would be ok, and I wasn't assured. Finally, his friend was informed that he was in the hospital, exactly as I thought after one day of not talking to him.
It is all just weird things, I'm not sure if it's from me being highly emphatic, or not. I only connect to certain people right now.
I am also sensing maybe that I am an indigo child. Would that make sense?
Around a month ago, I asked my mom if a friend of hers was pregnant. My mom said, "No." and I said, "I hope she does soon. She would be a good mom." And just yesterday, she had an announcement at dinner. She's 4 weeks pregnant.