I am simply sick today after a "dream" I had last night. I can't get my arms around what this means but I cannot stop agonizing over it. We had a normal fun day yesterday with the kids and grandkids and a cookout for easter. Then last night, I dreamed (at least I think it was a dream) that two woman came to sit on each side of my bed and told me something terrible had happened. My husband and I both sat up, knowing they were talking about my youngest daugther. Beyond these ladies sitting on my bed I could see my daughter in the distance standing in a shadowed light, holding my youngest grandson and say, "He's dying." But I knew these women were talking about my daughter.
This was about 1:30 am. I had awoken horrified. I was actually laying in the bedroom with my two grandchildren who had spent the night but I could see that my husband was also up as the TV was on in the other bedroom. I shared my experience with him this morning and he said he woke up the same time and could not sleep.
I don't know of anything wrong but I have had this feeling of suffocating doom over me this morning. Is it just the result of a very bad dream or a sign of something to come?
I hope someone can give me some answers.
Thank you so much.
Thank you. I will share this with her and let her know it could be a sign or of course it could be nothing.