My name is Ashley. I have been questioning myself for as long as I can remember. All my questions are about the psychic world. Things have been happening to me that I want to know more about. For example, these things have been happening:
1. I have dreams that happen over and over and over again
2. I can tell when some one is telling me the truth and when someone isn't
3. When I think of something, it usually happens
When my great-grandmother was alive, she used to be really really good with the cards. She could tell when something was happening or when it was going to happen. And most of the time, she was always correct and got everything right to a T. And my mom is starting to act a little weird and different. She knows when someone is going to call and who it is (and that happens 99.9% of the time) and when we are about to go do something, somebody else has done it already, so basically she knows when someone is going to do something. Now I want to know if I have gotten some of those abilities. This has been bothering me for as long as I can remember and I would love to have some answers! This is very important to me because it will help me reach who I am and if I am psychic or not...