I had an "Experience" during the night in late April, whether this was a dream or a waking experience is debatable. Most of my experiences of seeing the future occur between being fully awake and asleep, at the point when your mind begins to drift.
I saw a date 27 - June and the Houses of Parliament (UK) and then I saw Tony Blair standing down from his position of prime minister on this date the 27th of June. This was long before anything was announced in the news. I called a friend who has strong beliefs in psychics and told her my premonition, sure as fate weeks later it was announced, Tony Blair was to stand down. I found it very hard to sleep for a week following this instance with very disrupted sleep patterns.
I would like to be able to learn how to control this better, there are other things that have happened that suggest I may have the gift of being able to see the future.
I have a friend who is a healer and when I am talking to her, even on the telephone I can feel the spirits around her, I seem to have a natural attraction for spirits.