I've had many experiences, which started at the age of eight seeing full body apparition's and shadow shortie's. No clue as to where they came from. By sixteen I had a near death experience which heightened my abilities to converse with passed on relatives and strangers who show up in my dreams or in person.
Now that I'm a little older a lot has changed over the years. I'm seeing face's of people that I don't know. When I talked about the face's to my younger brother, he asked me to describe them. As it turns out, they are people he knows. I'm wondering if this is an OB, or am I just picking up on my brothers thoughts?
I also have visions that push me out of dreams showing me glimpse's of situation's that don't pertain to me. One in particular was a high profile case. I saw and heard every noise right down to the weapon used while standing in the corner of a small laundry room, my biggest fear, I thought this man could see me as he came towards me, right at that point I felt his aura and could hear him breathing. I did catch a glimpse of his eyes as he turned. They were yellow, the impression I felt was that of anger, very strong. I saw another high profile case in the news by way of TV which was reported two days prior to it happening.
Sometimes when I have visions, I can feel my eyes rolling straight up to the center of my forehead which is very painful. One incident, I found myself looking through an eye at the center of my forehead slightly open. I remember struggling which caused me to have a bad headache.
Here's a question, has anyone experienced being in someone else's body? The reason I'm asking is that I found myself running away from someone and realized as I was running that the body was not mine right down to the shoes and weight of the young women. I've had a few these and each they have happened I find myself asking why am I here.
Expertise advice is welcomed