I'm not sure if this is psychic but I could be looking in one direction for ten minutes, then for no reason at all I'll just turn and look directly at something or someone and they are just about to do something. I know it's weird but say I'm listening to music and my mum thinks its too loud, she'll try and turn it down without me knowing but I'll turn directly to her just as she is about to pick the remote up. I do it every time. I don't hear any movement, I'll just look for no reason at all. I do things like that all the time.
When I was sitting outside listening to my music I was just staring at the wall for 5 minutes then I just turned my head towards the house, then the door, a split second later, a light switched on. When I think about someone something associated with them happens so soon after, or a minute later they'll walk through the door or something. When I look at the direction that something's about to happen I don't necessarily sense anything, I just look for no reason and then it happens like a split second later. Does this mean I'm psychic? I just need help with these experiences because I really need to know if this means I could be psychic, thanks for your help.
I believe that, if it were remote viewing, there would be different "symptoms". If anything, you have precognition. Nothing more can I tell you for now, only that, if you ARE gifted, you musn't freak out. It's okay to be different, don't forget that. TTYL, Taylor, hopefully.;)
-Love and understanding, Val. [3rd Vendetta]