The other night I had a dream in which I pulled a name from "AFTEIL". I was somewhere in a foreign city and the last thing I remember is being in a bathroom watching a man primp in front of a mirror and then an old light up sign saying "Afteil" started to blink. I then saw the man button his jacket and go outside. I tried to follow him and lost him.
The next thing I know it's early evening. I am walking up a grassy hill, turn to my left, and behind a low stone wall I see a lamb and two dear. Being the animal lover I am, I started to go near them to pet them. They both came over and allowed me to. I woke up and decided to google the name I saw. I thought it would be something in a foreign language. All I came up with was a lama website selling one named Afteil. They said he is the angel of twilight. I haven't been able to find much more than that on him. Is there anyone familiar with the angels? Or with Afteil?
One more thing, totally off the subject, I have spoken with spirits in my dreams as well as come in contact with animals that have passed over but for some reason it takes them at least three days after they passed on in order to reach me? I was wondering why this may be? Are they resting? Or does it take them that long to realize?
They are dead?
With regards to the name, I know this is a different name (perhaps completely, but perhaps it could be a variation of)
But I found this on my search and found it tied in to your other query a little too perfectly to avoid linking it to you, synchronicities and all! And it is very interesting reading anyway, and will help you in the future should you "meet" any more un familiar angels!
Brilliant that you call this story the angel of twilight, Azrael is in fact the angel of transition, twilight is the transition from daytime to night, from light to dark... Love it, Theta rocks! So do synchronicities! I love this story! Thanks Demiurge.