I'm 15 and I'm so into the psychic world. I can confidently say that I have psychic powers (precognition, telepathy, intuition), but this one thing is a bit different.
I've had two dreams, (it is rare because I hardly ever dream) and they were very vivid as if I was truly up and awake. I felt like I was really present there.
Dream #1: I was in a pool controlling water and ice, just playing around with it.
Dream #2: (More recent) I was in an apartment and the floor was covered in ice, like ice crystals. I was able to move the ice and turn it into water and back again numerous times.
These dreams felt so real to me like it was me doing it and not just a bystander (If anyone gets that feeling in dreams other than me). So after having these dreams I think maybe there is a connection with that to reality and how I can control water/ice but it's hidden.
It was raining and I could hear the water dripping from the top of my window down to the bottom. And only playing off of the noise I focused on slowing the repetitive water dropping noise. Turns out I had until I stopped focusing.
So I can't say I have enough experience to say whether I do control water, but am I correct in saying that dreaming of controlling water/ice is connected to reality and myself? I do believe in people controlling the elements. Leave some comments, I love 'em:)