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I Can Read You Via Your Eyes, But I'm Losing The Power


I have the ability to read people's emotions from their eyes. It's definitely not a physical sight, because I can turn it off and on. It's like a switch in my mind that I can flip. It's like digging into them, but different. I guess I could describe it like taking a hook and pulling their emotions from their eyes and transmitting them to my own to see what they are feeling. Because of that, I can only read other people's emotions when I have felt them, and only when they don't have a barrier up. A barrier is kiI have the ability to read people's emotions from their eyes. It's definitely not a physical sight, because I can turn it off and on. It's like a switch in my mind that I can flip. It's like digging into them, but different. I guess I could describe it like taking a hook and pulling their emotions from their eyes and transmitting them to my own to see what they are feeling. Because of that, I can only read other people's emotions when I have felt them, and only when they don't have a barrier up. A barrier is kind of like a shield. No one really knows that they are doing it, they just do. Some of them are strong enough that I can't read their eyes, but others are just like a thin film in front of their eyes that I can peel away. That being said, if they're on drugs I can't read them, and if they're tired that's mostly what I see.

I wanted to know if anyone else has this ability? Because lately, I've been losing it. It works half of the time, and I can't read a growing number of people's eyes. I'm concerned, and I keep trying to figure out why this is happening, and why I can still read others' eyes so strongly! For example, I can't read this guy's eyes, but my friend's eyes are like an open floodgate, I'm nearly getting her thoughts. (Nearly meaning it's kind of an innate muttering that's blurred around the edges and tinged with emotions and memories.) But I definitely am losing it.

I'm feeling it getting weaker, and it scares me. I've put up barriers around myself to protect myself from spirits, because they frighten me to no end. But if I lose my reading, do I lose my barrier? I know that there are spirits around me, but I don't want to have much to do with them. I feel threatened by some. If I lose my sight, can I get it back? Was it only an adolescent thing? (This started around 4th or 5th grade, and I'm in 10th grade now.) I didn't use to use it a lot, but now I am. I also am thinking about getting eye surgery, and wonder if this would affect it.

If someone has this too, can you tell me what's going on? Can you tell me how to make it stronger, how to train it? Any help or information at all would be helpful. Thanks. Help or information at all would be helpful. Thanks.

Nd of like a shield. No one really knows that they are doing it, they just do. Some of them are strong enough that I can't read their eyes, but others are just like a thin film in front of their eyes that I can peel away. That being said, if they're on drugs I can't read them, and if they're tired that's mostly what I see.

I wanted to know if anyone else has this ability? Because lately, I've been losing it. It works half of the time, and I can't read a growing number of people's eyes. I'm concerned, and I keep trying to figure out why this is happening, and why I can still read others' eyes so strongly! For example, I can't read this guy's eyes, but my friend's eyes are like an open floodgate, I'm nearly getting her thoughts. (Nearly meaning it's king of an innate muttering that's blurred around the edges and tinged with emotions and memories.) But I definitely am losing it.

I'm feeling it getting weaker, and it scares me. I've put up barriers around myself to protect myself from spirits, because they frighten me to no end. But if I lose my reading, do I lose my barrier? I know that there are spirits around me, but I don't want to have much to do with them. I feel threatened by some. If I lose my sight, can I get it back? Was it only an adolescent thing? (This started around 4th or 5th grade, and I'm in 10th grade now.) I didn't use to use it a lot, but now I am. I also am thinking about getting eye surgery, and wonder if this would affect it.

If someone has this too, can you tell me what's going on? Can you tell me how to make it stronger, how to train it? Any help or information at all would be helpful. Thanks.

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Iseethroughyou (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-18)
I can do the same thing... Its like when I look into a Persons eyes their emotions are just screamed to me... Sometimes with people that I'm close to I can actually feel what they are feeling, and I get so shocked by it, it's like a jolt of electricity. I don't know what it is but for me I can read peoPle that I know a lot better... My eyes also change colour a lot with my mood it seems, and I get really bad headaches. I can also sense the room aura (sad, happy,relaxed...) but I've never had it go away... I've seen people that are difficult to read because they have barriers up against me but I've never met somebody I couldn't see anything about.
specs13 (1 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-01)
i have it, but I don't use body lanuage or eyes, I can tell simply by talking to them. I have a number of senses like this, like being able to feel a projectile coming at me from out of my sight range. I feel emotions as strong as I feel the wind, or the sun, or water. There is no secrete to getting it back, because your not really losing it. The reason you probably can't feel them anymore is most likely an emotional imbalance inside of yourself. Balance your own mind, and you will be able to feel it again
juliebug (2 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-24)
i have somthing like that but I can't controlle it I feel other people's emotions I could be at the mall and someont just got dummped and I would feel just how they feel. Its wrird.
xodevynn (3 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-24)
omg I can do that to, I never knew it was a psychic ability though, I have been able to do it since I was little, around 4 maybe younger.
Empathsam (3 stories) (109 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-24)
My best empathic reading comes from either skin on skin contact, or sometimes eye contact. But eye contact is hard and with all the perverts in my grade, i,d be considered gay. 😐
ostara8 (124 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-04)
yes, I have had this ability for as long as I can remember. I am atually very good at reading photos too. You can't lose it. Its normal for things to wave from weak to strong. Just give more time to trying and keep your mind still and healthy. It will come back when you are ready.
zephyrsong (2 stories) (17 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-10)
my friend does something similar, she has to concentrate rally hard but when she gets in tune with it she can tell things about the person shes readings past. Shes not always 100percent accurate and she can't coose what she sees, she just gets random flashes of things. Don't know if shes also had problems with it not working but ill ask her
xshatteredxmemoryx (2 stories) (11 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-05)
i have your ability too from what it looks like, and its been on again off again for me. Its like narrowing down to only certain people I can read. I don't know if that's the case for you too. I would suggest not trying so hard to read them, you may be putting strain on yourself. Just let it come to you
Best of luck =]
Shadowdancer91 (2 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-03)
I have found that as I age, some of my abilitys get stronger, and others weaker. I had this ablity when I was younger, yet it was a lot weaker thanit is now. But my ability to take pain away is getting weaker. I have found that meditating has helped keep my abilities strong.
Andie (2 stories) (4 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-03)
I have this type of ability but I can also tell if someone is lying to me by reading their eyes and voice. My ability is getting worse and I'm started to feel the spirits around me. I'm in 9th grade now. It's scary but it's also thrilling. If it turns out that our sheilds will disappear try to ignore it with music distract yourself. Buy seasalt and put in bags then place the bags near doors and windows, they help keep out negative energy.That's what I'm doing.
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-31)
I also have an ability like you. If happen to look at someone's eye that I didn't know at all. Then I am feeling something strange after that. I can tell if someone is angry at me or not by means of simply looking into their eyes. But we are also in the same boat I can't explain it whenever it happens.
rina_89 (1 stories) (4 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-31)
iv always thought I was weird until I cam across your artical. It dosent happen all the time but mostly with people I don't know or have just meet I'm not to sure how to discrible it but to me its like I get this rush of energy through me and I see there whole personality and wt there feeling at the time I whish I could help but I'm in the same boat I don't fully understand my self 😁
academylin (14 stories) (303 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-30)
Hiya Era toma,

Everyones, and all types of abilities turn off and turn on, you have your good, in tune days, and your not so good, unprogrammed days!

Don't let it FRIGHTEN you though.

The fact that you may feel your ability lessening should merely encourage you more to discover WHAT you can do to resolve the reversal. Although we all have good and bad days, with practise we can own our talents again.

The fact that you are seeing less in MORE peoples eyes could also be a physical indication that the circle you are currently moving in ARE being brought to the discovery of druuuugggggsss. As you said, those on these type of substances are impossible for you to "see!" So maybe be a little guarded re; peer pressure on this more physical issue!


And slow down!
If the eye surgery is neccesary for a physical condition, then of course you must have it done! It won't effect your gift (or your other eye!)

Oh, and another slightly lighter reprimand;
STOP repeating yourself! Lol! 😆

heartslocket (10 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-30)
My friend has this ability as well. I would suggest meditating to help stregthen your abilities. Sorry if this isn't much help, but I don't know too much on the subject. Hopefully someone who knows more can give you more knowledgeable advice. 😳

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