When I was a child I was able to sense things before they happened. I would dream something about my family or my friends and usually it would happen the next day. Along with those abilities, when I was younger, I was actually be able to channel spirits and see if places were "clean" or "unclean" as my friend and I call them.
I also will get very sick; I mean physically ill before a tragic event happens. This happened when I was six and had just moved in with my new parents and having never met my new grandfather I looked to my mother and told her my tummy hurt because Grandpa LaCaze was going to die from the pain in his stomach. Two days later the doctors told my grandfather he had metastasized cancer in his stomach.
I also used to have these dreams where I would be standing on a ledge with beds below us and people next to me and this man would walk behind us and tell us to jump. Some people would make it back into their beds and others wouldn't. During one of these dreams, an older gentleman next to me jumped off the ledge and didn't make it to his bed. A few days later I was looking at an obituary and the same man I had seen in my dreams had died in his sleep the same night I had the dream.
I have always been able to sense things but I thought it was my over-active imagination and suppressed it because my parents were not accepting of it. So I hid the ability to do anything. If anyone out there thinks that I have abilities let me know and also if they could tell me how to strengthen them.
I'm new on this site and I've been reading posts and saw yours and liked it. I know how you feel but my family didn't hold me back, and my life in the long run has become a grate experience. Our abilities are what I call awareness and every human has them but the only way to build them is to work them. Just like a job, to get the job done you need to do the work. 😉
Thank you and blessed be!