It all started around my 15 birthday. I started noticing that I would somehow pick up on things people like my friends were thinking and I would sometimes pick up on past events in their lives. I have got several stories but firsts first.
The first time I noticed was in August 2008 when anytime my brother would come sit and watch tv with me I would notice these strange "Where did that come from" thoughts and soon after my brother would say it at first I wrote this off but it started reoccurring more and more.
My second and probably most astonishing one was when I was sitting in gym class and listening to music and I began to look at a scar on my friends face and all of in my mind I got the impression that she had been molested and when I asked she looked at me crazy and said yeah and she then said that she had never told anyone not even her mom so that kind of freaked me out.
I have had many more small experiences like this but too many to tell when I told my mom about this she wasn't surprised she said it was in her side of the family history for these things to happen to a select few in my family and she thinks it has been passed down to me.
I'm really unsure where to go someone please help me understand
Thank You