I've been hearing voices before I fall asleep. I'm not sure who they are, but they vary. Sometimes they are just low hums that actually help me fall asleep, but then they jerk me out of sleep so suddenly that they work like an involuntary alarm clock. Sometimes, I try to listen to them to hear what they are saying, and it rarely works. It's always many people talking at once, some with deep voices, and some are women. I don't remember hearing them as a kid, and they seem more frequent lately, but I think that's only because I've been listening.
At first, some of them are the low hums, but then some are clear & loud, but fade back to a hum. I'm not scared, but sometimes I want to know who these people are.
I'm a teen, so I'm curious as to if the voices will get stronger as I grow up, or will they fade away. Will they become unbearable, or will they just get clearer?
I've tried manipulating the voices to see if they are all in my head. It doesn't work.
My friends are very open-minded about these sorts of things, it. I can't go into the story very far without my friend telling me the same story of how she saw her dead cat's ghost. I believe her, but I'm just tired of hearing it.
What do you think?
P.S.: Tonight I heard a scream. An angry one.
Any thaughts?
Thanks. ❤