My name is Angele but everyone calls me Meg. Ever since I was very little I knew when bad things were around. And now that I'm 14 years old things are becoming much weirder. So here's the story.
Someone killed themselves in my house before my family moved in. And ever since I set foot in this house I get sick. I get very odd visions and odd feelings. I'm just angry all the time and there's no reason. And it's not just here it's in school and everywhere. I am a wiccan and I'm scared I might have messed with the wrong god.
I feel like I'm constantly being watched and followed but, I'm just not sure if I'm crazy or what? My aunt is psychic and I'm wondering if I have that ability. I get very sick in large groups of people. Can someone please give me some answers?
I'm scared and I don't know what to do anymore. I tried turning to my friends but they just don't understand. And also in my pictures that I've been taking, little balls of light aka orbs keep appearing.
I'm very interested in paranormal since the age of 9. I wish to be a paranormal investigator when I grow up.
In school its like I zone out for a second then comeback not knowing what's going on. That happens to me most of all. So can someone please help me?