I just wanted to share some of my experiences that I have been having lately and maybe you can give me your input.
One of the first things that has happened within the last few months is I was at a friend's house and she was on the computer and I was watching. Suddenly, I felt a chill and a brush against my arm that just was touching the hairs of my arm so I asked her if she had a vent near by and she said yes so I left it at that. Shortly after, I felt the brush and chill the then her door bell sound went off. She went to go look to see who came in and there was no one so we really didn't think anything about it. We continued on what we were doing and then I heard the name Janet three times inside my head but I ignored.
We then decided to go swimming in her pool. The name kept coming to me so then I just said fine and I asked her if she knew anyone by the name of Janet and she said her sister had a friend named Janet but she committed suicide shortly after they graduated. I got the tingles on the top of my head and now I know what that means which is that the information that came through was right. Janet was letting them know she is still checking in on them.