I laid in my bed trying to pass the boring hours after meditation and after laying there for a good while, I heard all these voices come out of nowhere, so I opened my eyes and looked at my tv and radio, which were off, and I looked at my hand which I tried to move slowly but it didn't work and then I just jerked up and my heart raced, the voices and sounds were gone. My first experience that didn't stop there. I had others, some were just cluttered voices which I think was just my subconscious filtering and working with my current thoughts. Then there were other times that I felt like I was being directly spoken to.
A friend and I came back from a long day of walking around universal and I enjoy my sleep time so I was so ready for bed. My body fell right to sleep but my mind took a while. Body relaxed and mind awake, I get paralysis which I was prone to shake out of now on impulse. I looked at the nightstand next to my bed and I think I saw a pencil before I laid down, probably from writing my dreams, and my mind thought I was holding it as my arm hung off the bed and my nightly imaginative mind said "don't hang your hand off the bed the devil will pull you under". So I tucked it in and shook out off more paralysis and heard a voice that said something like "leave or get out in my head". It took a while for me to get what I heard and eventually, I went to my friend's bed, the voice sounded feminine and told me to leave and I just said no and finally went to sleep.
Next morning, I told my friend about what happened she said she felt something in the room last night. There was one other time that was different. I was sleeping on my back, which seems to provoke paralysis and my "hearing". I was paralyzed and heard 2 different noises one was like beeeeeeeeeep, the other reeerr reeer reeer reeer, then I rolled over or I thought I did and woke up on my back.