My father died in early September, 2006, of melanoma. His death was completely unexpected. First, we found out he was sick, then we found out he had two years to live, and two months later he passed away. My father and I didn't have a relationship from the time that I was 13 on. He was scheduled to have every other weekend visits with my sister and I, and one day he decided not to show. He never called, never stopped by, he sent birthday and christmas cards but that's about it. We saw him every now and then, very randomly, maybe once a year, twice maximum. When he called and told us that he was sick, we visited him. When my aunt went up to see him and called us to tell us that he was bedridden, and always sort of half asleep, we saw him every day. The last time I saw my father, I went to give him a hug as I was leaving. I kissed him on the cheek and told him I loved him, and he said "Love you too, be good..."
Since then I have dreams fairly regularly where my dad is there. He talks to me, jokes with me, gives me advice. I never pass these off as dreams. There's just a feeling to them where I know it can't be a dream, that it's really him. In my last dream, last night, he wasn't there, but I was contacting him through a clock-radio type of thing. It would light up when he was there, and I could talk to him and hear his voice over the radio thing. I got very emotional and asked him questions about love and life, and if he loved me, and if he was okay, and if he was happy. My dad and I were never really close in that sense, we never really had a chance to spill our guts, so to say... I never got to go to him for advice on love and life or anything like that. So it's tough for me to tell if this is a dream... Or if he's just finally opening up to me.
Do you think he is conscious of visiting me? Like, do you think that wherever he is, he's like, "I'm going to visit my daughter tonight"? I haven't asked my sister if she gets visited or not. She's taking his death very hard, and I don't want her to get upset if I've been visited and she hasn't. Do you think it's really him... Or just a dream, just me missing him? Wishing that we'd been closer? I can't tell, but it feels like he's really there.
Another time, I thought I might mention... This is very weird. And it makes me happy. My father LOVED Bryan Adams. He would listen to Bryan Adams all the time, and his favorite song was Summer of '69. Shortly after his death, I was in a local pizza shop with my older sister, who has a different father. The pizza shop has a jukebox that normally sits quietly if not being played, but will randomly play songs if it goes unused for a long period of time. My sister and I were sitting there, reminiscing about my dad, when the jukebox played his song! I got so emotional, and I was like, he knows we're talking about him, that's all there is to it. Coincidence? Ehh...
I lost my father as well, in 2002. I was only 15 years old going on 16 when he started showing up in my dreams. There were some dreams he would be in that were just that...dreams, others though where he would come and talk to me about things... Just telling me he was proud or whatever but they were in fact DIFFERENT. It was clear as day, clear as I'm sitting here typing this at work right now. These are visits. He's making you aware of his presence and of course he loves you. That's why he comes around! I also have the same experience as you with certain music, my Dad was obsessed with the Beach Boys, lol. These are not coincidences, but signs. Enjoy them