I don't know why, but I've always been interested in the paranormal and especially telekinesis. So reading that it was somewhat learnable, I tried it. It's taken a couple of years, but I've finally managed to be able to spin the psi wheel really fast. I've made sure to test that it simply just wasn't wind or other variables. My hands felt somewhat magnetic and prickly and hot. And sometimes it would seem to be pulsing with heat- those were the times when I could do it most [which was only about five times in my lifetime].
The problem is, that was TWO years ago. I'm starting to try it again and it's not going good. I'm starting to get really frustrated and thinking that it's something I've just fabricated - made up - in my head - all because of wishful thinking. =/
The reason I won't let this go though is that I have some other ability and that's being able to sense when something bad is going to happen in the future. So being somewhat capable of psychic feats, I thought I could manage to learn this.
So yeah, if you're experienced in this area [which most of you seem to be experienced in], please let me know if you think that this is just me making it up in my head and that I SHOULD give it up, or me actually doing it and to keep trying.
Do you think the spirit guides were somehow connected to you in a previous life or that you were their spirit guide before? Would you think it's possible that they are a real person who's astral projected themselves into your dreams? I've been searching the white pages for my spirit guide, since I know both first and last name... So far nothing.
Keep at your ability! Don't let it atrophy!