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My "psychic" abilities started branching out with a premonition of my car accident. I had always been able to see auras, but when other things started coming through quite naturally I was a bit freaked out.

I was invited to stay at a friend's house one evening two months before the accident; right as I was closing my eyes to go to sleep I saw the red-orange GMC logo of my 95 Jimmy coming over a small hill, it was pitch black; so dark I could not make out the other details of the vehicle, I just knew it was mine, it was also very very cold and windy. I immediately became anxious, but knew it was a warning for me. Over the next two months I would slowly get more and more information, I would see my surroundings; other vehicles, the highway, the bridge I would cross just before it happened, outlines of objects on the side of the road. I never got specifics, like date, time, which highway, etc., which drives me nuts because I still don't get specifics in my visions to this day.

My vision came true, when I had let my guard down, thinking oh my mind is just playing tricks on me, this will never happen. It also happened exactly as I had seen it. I had just crossed a bridge and peeked over a small hill, it was very, very cold, extremely windy (in fact it happened in a freakish winter storm with 80 mile an hour wind gusts), and visibility was almost non existent because of how dark it was (my headlights weren't even helping, it was like being in the back of a cave where light seems to get absorbed).

After coming over the hill I hit black ice, spun out of control, hit a small ditch on the side of the road, and rolled up and back down a small hill, about the height a levee would be. This was my first vision in a long line of visions to come. I debate on whether or not to tell people about what I see, I have before and it almost always freaks them out so much that they do not talk to me anymore, especially after what I say to them comes true, or if what I tell them about themselves is true, but I had no possible way of knowing it.

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hales3 (9 stories) (115 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-09)
Blue_fire- To answer the question you asked in the comment to me... In the dark I feel like I'm being watched, every move I make... Like that song. It seems like at night I hear things no one else in my house can, I hear loud, heavy foot steps and things moving. When I get up to see if anyone is out there, no one in the house is awake, and I would've heard their bedroom doors open because all of our rooms are across from eachothers, besides a room on the opposite side of the house which no one stays in. My grandma says she thinks only I can hear these things because I'm more sensitive to them, she says she never hears the things I hear and I know I am not crazy... Not long ago, I hear a man scream and I ran to get her because I was so afraid, but she didn't hear it... There was no way she couldn't of heard it, it was SO loud and right by her room too. We went and looked around, and outside but there was no one around. I've always been really afraid of the dark, it's just that feeling of unsafeness I get when I'm alone and in the dark, like something's about to pounce on me. Like I'm the prey or something.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
hmmmm I never mind. I just might be wrong. Let me take a few minutes. I know music for one thing, obviously, but trying to move beyond that.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
He and I connect. That's why I am probably writing you though we seem to have a connection also. I'm sorry he's not well, but hopefully he'll feel better (not because of me). Drums and the beat are odd and important in some way and I would bet he voyages. I thought, writing here, that he heard drums. I think you understand him, and what the drums means. Perhaps I'm wrong.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
GlendaSC: the kiddos with me and my special person, I am curious to what you see there. How many, sex, or whatever you can come up with. If you do not mind.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
I think you need to make her a strong person so don't feel guilty about stuff or for pushing. Tell her that's she a leader no matter what others do. I never did this with mine because my first did it, he was always one, my second wasn't, and third just needs to know what he wants. But I think your first is one. Teach her about cars and dirt and how to survive.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
GlendaSC: yes he does hear drums beating, he just 2 weeks ago asked me if I heard them too.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
Perhaps he doesn't know. I've always heard drums and wiggled my toes in my sleep. When we first got married, it buggied the hubby. Then we had our first son and he did it as a newborn in his sleep and I cracked up laughing. I don't know if I still do it because I tried to stop so I wouldn't pester the hubby. When I'm thinking or upset, I still do it though - I've caught myself.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
GlendaSC: She's really reserved so there is no telling what strengths she is keeping back.

I try making her comfortable with herself, she is very sensitive emotionally so it is hard to know when to push and when to hold back so I don't break her spirit.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
Time. How do we measure it. I think it's all small potatoes personally and not worth the trouble because no one has much. Does he, and I am asking you because I would never address him directly since he's your person, but does he ever hear drums beat? I hear them sometimes, mostly when writing on a book or when worried about the kiddies.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
I think she will end up singing, but not touring because it costs too much, but loving to sing and finding a job, after college, in her chosen field. I think she will always sing. That is a wonderful thing. Everyone needs to be good at something. I might be wrong. She might be a star or make great records. Reading people is not my strength. I don't think you know her strengths yet.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
GlendaSC: I see he has time too. I see him having a bypass and a stint put in and everything being fine for quite sometime. He's worried because he's only thirty and has these problems already.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
I see the wrestling person who can't right now as mattering the most. I suggest you research that, but I might be wrong. Beyond that, it's foggy, but this person with the darker hair is clear and strong. There are different ways of being strong maybe. I don't know. I do see time. I think he has some.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
GlendaSC: my special person does like to wrestle around with my children, but he has a heart condition so he can't do it for to long or he practically puts himself in the hospital. He has an angiogram (sp?) in about three weeks, I look after him closely.

My eldest daughter is the one I see in your descriptions, she is extremely shy, almost everything makes her giggly and reserved. She is very concerned with what others think of her.

The kiddos with my special friend what do you see there if you do not mind.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
I can't do this with my own kids (but I do maybe), but I think I might a little with yours because it's not so personal. I might be very, very wrong. I have always seen a microphone and singing. Intensity and fear and insecurity. Make this person feel more secure. Major shyness so you will know who but also the overcoming of it and talent. The talent is hurt by the shyness but once that is overcome, it will mean something. You expect movie stardome. That's also wrong. Allow time, and the person to find their path but its spiritual not richess. Later there is a tv thingy somehow. I'm not sure. It might not be your vision, but a great one in their vision if you continue to be hard on them. If it's money, take their help (haha!). I don't think you care about money as your end goal. What else - I'm rambling, sorry - the youngest might seem weak, but isn't. The last year or two is when you have seen it. Your special person likes to wrestle I see. Tell him to be careful - I see an injury soon so be careful for the next 3 weeks or 6. I feel stupid. But that's how I feel. Tell him to make a record of chants but modern, with his kids. Tell him to take time, not to invest a lot, but to keep it out there because it's all about personal satisfaction.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
GlendaSC: you probably see him as the eldest because he's the oldest soul in the house.

I'm a softy with my kiddos too, but also strong when need be.

I shelter them, probably too much. I home school because I did not like the attitudes my children were coming home with when they were in public school.

The kids in my future, if you would I would like you to tell me what you see, I am curious.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
blue fire - I see them as young. Years are numbers to me and don't matter. My mother-in-law, in her eighties jumped out of plane at ten thousand feet for a birthday and has a major tan from golfing. I don't. Ouch. So, I don't understand ages and years and that's confusing slightly. I've seen my kiddies before they were born and tried to guess years. A microphone might mean they whisper in someone's ear a phrase and keep them from swallowing pills or he / she might be President. I suggest you "stand strong" and make them men and women, not kids. They have to grow up and in our culture, we baby young people. My youngest lost his glasses and wanted to drive, but needs glasses so I've been driving him all summer to mow yards and he earned half the money to buy them again. We bought him a truck, used, a year ago and its been parked. Now he can drive it again. I call him down if he goofs. I'm really too soft hearted but the hubby helps so hope you do it better.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
GlendaSC: My daughter the eldest she likes to sing and play instruments, her and her best friend have made up a Christian music band, and plan something about it everyday.

My son the eight year old is one of my indigos and is very strong in his self esteem so he will more than likely be a public speaker of some sorts cause he is very concerned about others and why they do what they do.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
Our similar visions are about your children. You don't care about old friends, but your kids. I see your oldest. I'm a mom also.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
blue - my parents did that. They went into religion and looked oddly at each other. I asked my brother if my dad was in the mafia or something because my teachers never confronted me. I left at noon sometimes to eat lunch downtown which was a big no-no and came back. To this day, my brother just looks at me strangly a lot. My younger sister laughs. She has always been accepting and once I told her about astral voyaging, a little, and she died laughing and said something like, you think we didn't know it? It was an odd conversation. Very odd. I take myself too seriously some. A sense of humor helps.

I see your oldest at a microphone. That's my extent right now. I'm tired. But he's speaking to a huge group and he's 18 or 19.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
GlendaSC: could you be more specific about the similar visions we have. I'm slightly sure what you are saying but want to make sure.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
GlendaSC: I have been to nebraska, there is a stone henge made out of old junker cars up there.

I'm 27 and have four kiddos. 10,8,4,3. I have two indigo and two crystal children. I think I have abilities so I won't do to my children what my parents did to me. Made me feel crazy, told me it was all in my mind, things like what I have do not exist.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
blue - in whatever way, for this little time perhaps, we have similar visions. Perhaps you understand that, and I'm trying to go there. I'm a new person so trying to figure it out. Forget the senior poster. I'm a newbie.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
The same thing happened to me after six years not long ago, last weekend. Only he contacted my sister and she told me and I said hi. That's about it. I'm not an exciting person except my kids are enough excitement. My 21 is driving between Utah to Indianna (to Purdue) with car trouble and no one will work on his car so he's just going. It's a weekend. I offered them extra money, but nope. I spent hours on the internet phone car places in Lincoln NE. Not one taker. Oh well. Enjoy the excitement. He's considered top notch, but to me he's a kid in college. I realize he's a man and I learn from everyone.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
GlendaSC: I saw the last part of that TV program yesterday and here it is channel 61.

I know what you mean about the seeing something and meeting the person it is connected to that happens to me all the time.

It happened to me with my special friend too. I was thinking about him and he called the next day cause he was back in Oklahoma and looked me up.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
blue fire - for some reason, we get an image then meet the person who is connected to it. Today on the History channel was watching some UFO show about the Soviet Union and they talked about a UFO that blue up, was shot by a ming jet, and had blue fire. I thought of the blue flowers yesterday and kept thinking blue fire. Check your TV guide if you want to see the show because I just flipped to the channel when it happened to be there and have no idea of the name of the show. In SC, it's channel 49.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
GlendaSC: All have something to teach, you have taught me too. I feel that everyone that crosses my path in any form I am to learn from.

Thanks to you for writing as well.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
blue - you don't have to send the pictures. I wrote that to be polite, but I don't seek pics. This is just about understanding others sensitive abilities and hoping to learn. I'm a student and consider you and your special person my teachers. Thanks for writing.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
GlendaSC: okay will send the pic tomorrow.

It was interesting to find that the redwoods was linked to you. Because I was just looking for a way to explain what I meant by natural nature and the first thing that popped into my mind was a picture of the redwood forest.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
blue - the things that just pop-out of our mouths or appear naturally are things that are needed I think. The other stuff isn't really so it may or may not be as accurate. Definitely, the needed stuff is clear - or so in my experience. This is relaxing time.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
Send me the picture. Perhaps it's time I let things become more personal to me. I keep a very thick wall and a very far distance too much. Thank-you for your time and efforts.

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