Lately, (I am using lately as in the past few months.) I have been experiencing visions, sometimes of things that have happened to me before, but sometimes I have visions of things that haven't happened. Then soon after, they do happen. Its a big, "wow that was weird" reaction, every times.
I've been doing a lot of remote viewing tests also. Irrelevant to the story really but I'm not so sure one of you can't make something out of it. When I do those tests, I see weird things, such as the one on your site. The picture was a train tunnel at the end. When I looked at the coordinates, I saw a train, a little girl, perhaps 5 or 6, laughing, a woman screaming, a reflection of a face with cold blue eyes in a pool of blood, and after some 15 more minutes, a derailed train.
My visions happen in weird ways. Most of them occur when I am meditating now that I have learned to control my psychic mind a little better. But the others almost always happen when I wake up in the middle of the night. I don't imagine things per say, it's just like I am dropped into the middle of a scene and that's how I see it.
I can walk around and I can hear, feel, touch and smell, and of course see. But nobody notices me there. I also have learned to put messages into dreams. Wacky, right? If you have an astral temple of your own then you most likely already know this but after you make your astral temple, you can will people into it while they are asleep as you first learn, but as you get stronger you can do it even while they are awake, its sorta fun really, being able to put thoughts into others heads.
I remember doing a remote case about two years back, and I'll never forget I put a 'message' into someones head a guard specifically... Not a nice picture. Only time is of an emergency.