In short, I've been developing more ability these past months. Generally I just able to see and feel spirits, ghosts or energies around me since I was a kid and have a sharp intuition. That is, nothing more nothing less. But as of late I begin to see something I rather not to. It began on June/July (I can't quite remember), I was really relaxed at the time, and my mind was clear then I closed my eyes trying to get more relaxation. Few seconds later there was some spiral came into view, it was violet and spinning clockwise. Slow but steady it changed its direction as I watched. Something slowly emerging from that point, something like a water screen which later showed me a quite strange but serene environment, it took me several seconds to really grasp what just happened. When I did the view started to turn to its right, somehow my mind was paranoid thinking that I might see something unfavorable if I kept looking. I opened my eyes quickly freaked out by what happened and what I was about to see. Since then I'm able to see something in my mind without having clear mind etc, the only thing I have to do is closing my eyes and invest some concentration. I still don't know what thing I see, where and why until this very second but somehow the idea of not knowing brings me some comfort, so I don't give it too much thinking.
Things changed on August that I started to see a little bit glimpse of future whether I have my eyes closed or opened. What terrifies me is that all visions I got happened. It just feels like I have no power of stopping the events, I'm scared with the possibility of seeing terrible misfortune or even death of my loved ones or people I know in general. That was the moment I decided to block all my abilities. And I do now, it's been a month and my life is quieter and calmer. I think there's some consequences of my action though, it proved by the time I blocked all of them I started to develop another (ability) and attracted more entities with my presence. About one week ago a ghost named Mytha randomly visited me and told me that I have the key with me, before I had the chance to ask her what it was about, she disappeared. All I can remember is her sad and hopeless face, I don't know if this is good or bad thing. And just few days ago when I looked into mirror I saw myself with blank eyes with black ring around it. I got shocked for a bit and dropped the mirror, when I tried to get better look my face already back to normal. I don't know what it means, I don't give it much thought.
If anyone familiar with things I experience or even able to answer my original question of this post, please let me know. I think now is time to face the truth (if there's any). Advises are also welcomed.
P.S regarding my newly developed ability, it's the ability of feeling emotions of certain places whether it happened in past, present or both. I'm not sure whether this is significant but I forgot to mention that my power of seeing the unseen and my intuition were seemed to weakened a bit at the time I saw the visions. And actually even after I "blocked" them I still have them working at some degree, it seems like I can't fully block all of them.