My Name is Josephine and I believe I can somehow feel the future.
Ever since I was a little girl I always knew when something was going to happen pertaining myself. Since then these feelings have gotten stronger. One of the best examples is when I was at a horse back riding competition. I hadn't gone into any of the events yet, but I had a feeling what my outcomes would be on every event. My first event I believed
I wouldn't place, my second event I would get 5th, and my third event I would get third, but something weird would happen. I had a feeling the outcomes would be like this all day and sure enough on the first event I didn't place. On my second event I got fifth, and I was a little weirded out by it but shook it off. The time I got to the third event it was a game and not a normal event. The game was an egg and spoon race and once you drop the egg you were eliminated, but you had to keep going around the ring. I didn't place, but when I came out of the ring all of my friends told me I should of gotten third, but another blond girl got it instead.
This was exactly what I predicted before to myself and I knew something Strange would happen in my third event. I just blew off the whole thing as being a coincidence. Soon after things like that would happen again all the time where I knew the outcomes of events.
Another example is when I knew I wouldn't be going to the orthodontist. I had the feeling all week that I probably wouldn't be able to go even know I had an appointment and was planning on going. Sure enough the day before my appointment I had gotten sick and could not go the next day.
As well as the other day when I though maybe I was going to go out with a friend. I was not planning on doing anything and I did not pursue anything. As soon as I woke up I felt that maybe I would do something and sure enough I ended up going out to eat.
It's gotten to the point where this is an every day thing and is no longer a gut feeling I just happen to have all of the time. These are just a couple of small examples that I can think of off the top of my head, but I don't think think this is normal. If I'm somehow am psychic I would like to learn more about it. Mostly though I just want an explanation.
It's a very strange feeling and doesn't happen very often but when it does it's overpowering, strong feeling of something huge.
I feel silly even asking about it but I would like to know if there's anything similar other people experience.
Thank you for any kind of help in advance.