I need to know if anybody else has experienced what I have. I'm 38 now, twelve years ago, I awakened my Kundalini. When it was awakening, I heard a cracking noise in my ears and felt extremely dizzy. I also had a dream of my flying above a woman in my room of my own abilities. When I woke up, I felt different, my face felt like it was connected to the rest of me, as if my face had been a mask this whole time and was disconnected from my physical body. I had to realign my chakras because I was feeling out of balance from awakening them. As everything began to align, I could sense appendages appearing on my spiritual body. I try not to speak about it too much because I live in a small town and people here are very closed minded. The appendages which I can sense range from feathered wings, a salamander's tail, gnome ears, fins on my arms, back of my legs, down my back, full Greek armor with a horsehair helmet. Also, 4 spiritual arms along with my physical arms (each hand, including the physical hands) have an eye right on my upper palm and the nails on each hand are razor sharp. An eye is also where my 3rd eye is. A phurba (Tibetan ritual dart) is strapped to my left ankle and a short sword strapped to my left leg, I have a lariat on the left side of my belt and a hoop nose ring. My spiritual body also seems to be male. I've asked some of my friends who are pagan and no one has heard of anything like this ever. Has my spiritual body evolved into any kind of known spirit?
Thank you,