Things have been happening to me for a long time, I can't even remember the exact age, but I was young when it all started. The first dream I had was the dream of one of my friends getting in a dirt bike accident by hitting a tree and breaking some bones. I had that dream on a weekend and when I returned to school on Monday, my friend (the one from the dream) wasn't there. I called him and asked him why he wasn't at school and he told me he had got in a dirt bike accident because he hit a tree. All the bones he broke were the same exact bones he broke in my dream. I was so freaked out and excited. It was like the first dream I had where something happened.
After this I had dreams all the time that came true. I would even have dreams with deceased friends or even people I didn't even know. They would talk to me and want me to tell people things. I even know when things are going to happen. I'll just think of something randomly and it'll happen just as I thought. I'm used to it and it's nothing to me, I love that I have what I have. I always get feelings when something is going to happen weather it be good or bad. I can even tell what someone is feeling even if they show no emotion of it.
One day, I was talking to my friend online and out of nowhere I told her her house was quiet today. I don't know how I knew, I hadn't talked to her on the phone and she didn't say anything about her house or anything that could hint to me that it was quiet. I can tell if someone is good by just looking at them. I know if they have good or bad intentions, it's like I can read people REALLY good. If someone is depressed and hiding it, I'll almost always know.
My dad's friend is psychic and the first time he spoke to me he told me a lot of things that NOBODY knew about me, he's a medium, he says the dead talk to him and tell him things and that's where he was getting all the information about me from. He told me I was a very spiritual person and that I am very special to god and he even told me things that my best friend didn't even know, like that I wasn't sleeping good lately, that I was scared and that I would cry at night when nobody was watching. It was really interesting and he almost made me cry because everything he said was so real and he was so right. I didn't even say a word to him about anything. The only thing I said was "yeah...yeah" that's all I could say.
This is just some stuff that I experience, it's really interesting and it's not evil because I am a spiritual person and I'm really close to god, I'm not perfect but I know that it's not a sin and it's not evil so don't mind those that tell you that you're a "demon" or that you're going to go to hell because you're psychic.
I will write about other things later, comment if you'd like and tell me what you think!