I have been blessed with the ability to interpret dreams. Now I say this like I am an authority on the subject, however I am not. Like most intuitive things, they go on a case by case basis. Some I cannot. However, I was given some insight of dreams, types of dreams and the power of them. What I know does not come from dream book, dream guide, etc,. But rather by intuitive revelation from the Spirit. The thing is, some may not like what I have to tell them about their dream, and by the things that can possibly motivate dreams. However for the most part, it has been a rewarding gift and the service, help, insight I have been able to show dreamers, and their gratitude has been rewarding. Like a lock has been picked open, I am able to sense by their description of their dream 1) what type of dream it is and 2). What that means and 3) if they are getting communication from the dead or not (when it applies), and 4) if they are having precognitive dream. Dreams are important. Dreams have a definite category, according to the type of dream one has. One must accept in order to receive the interpretation that dreams are and can be spiritual. So like in all things of this, there is good and bad. There are also spiritual 'agents' that like to mislead us in our dream state. So we wake up confused and convinced of a message that is misleading, a dream that is inspired by evil, trying to misdirect us. And when I say inspired by evil, it is exactly what I mean. Does not mean the person dreaming is evil, or has evil thoughts. But the spirit realm can and definitely does affect us, even in our sleep, and this includes the forces of good and evil.
I would like to ask a question though, of those people who can read photographs of people and know if they are dead or alive. What is it you see in the photo that gives you the information? Is it a subtle thing you see? Or is it a voice telling you " this person is not alive any more"? I would love to have feedback on this in particular. And if any of you have a particular disturbing dream, you can message me, or leave it in the comments. Thank You! MissC